The official web hosting company for the BlueVoda Website Builder. You are currently viewing our support forum as a guest which gives you limited (read only) access. By joining our support forum you will be able to ask questions, participate in discussions and receive assistance. Registration is fast and simple. Click Here To Join our support forum today! We look forward to helping you build and publish a fantastic website.
you can contact me through my website,it's on my contact us page. i have no problems with telephone support and that way you can learn to maintain your site once it is built.
hope to hear from you
Hi i am mike a new member I AM LOST i started to make a site on bluevoda but i am going nowhere i have a good product to sell but i need lots of help " please someone "
At the bottom of your Bluevoda buider there is a button labeled tutorials - Have you seen those?
Do what I did. Study them, and then study them and then study them and when you are sick of that, study them some more.
When you can say yes I've done that. You will be then a postition to post specific issues as and when they arise and many members will help you solve them.
Please always be specific with what you need help with, otherwise you'll be over looked.