What I am looking for is some way to randomly determine the image in a container from a list of possible images each time a seperate container is clicked. Say you have 31 containers, each with about ten possible images and one container or button that tosses them all randomly. A simple dice simulation, really... just more dice. I want the freedom to add or subtract containers and that will be all on the page other than the trigger. So you have a page of an undetermined number of images ~ all change randomly with a click.
Need some Scripting or Flash Done
Need Some Scripting or Flash Done
I hate to chip in on your dream, but please read forums rules and try not to open threads that contain the same subject matter.
Need some Scripting or Flash Done
I thought I was following the instructions from the other forum. It was suggested someone here might be able to provide my solution as a service. I am afraid I don't understand. Isn't this the forum where such things are bid on ~ that I was sent to by a moderator????
Need some Scripting or Flash Done
What other post? I posted there first. Well, then one got sidetracked and closed without one of the answers I needed. Then I requested the additional information ~ one was to post here. It was suggested I post here. How is that redundant here or (before, the fact) there????? Using these forums is turning out more challenging than the issues brought here.
Need some Scripting or Flash Done
Yes, I have looked at their site and will consider them. It is just a small project. It seems like one of those things some up and coming young person might want to tackle, so I thought it a good idea to take bids. No big deal. But then there seems to be a lot that broils big below the surface around here. If some young gamester would like to have a go at it as a learning experience, I am good with that. All it comes down to is a simple dice simulation ~ with other than dice images.
Re: Need some Scripting or Flash Done
When it comes to customized Flash (going by your thread title and assuming you want your script to display in Flash), you'll find affordable excellence here.
Re: Need some Scripting or Flash Done
i will pass on the advice that Vasili once gave me a couple of weeks ago and the site is koolmoves.com
very interesting and is connected flashkit.com forum. well worth the time
good luckmrmagoo144