We are looking to Joint venture with an experienced programmer who is capable of either preparing or adapting scripts for real-time chats and linking to an ecommerce like site, which can possibly be designed with Blue Voda.
We provide the concept and marketing together with web page design assistance, the programmer provides the technical know-how.
The reward for you would come with a formal 50% stake in the concept.
The concept is very exciting and is very broad market-based.
Think auction sites, but very different and innovative. One auction site in our country sold a couple of years ago for 700M...so that is an idea of the market in which we want to concentrate.
The programmer must have the ability to design a 'control panel' which is exactly the same for both end users and will show and work in real-time on their desktop and link back to an admin area. It is very similar to a business chat operation with canned responses etc.
Due to commercial sensitivity, a confidential disclosure would need to be signed before full information was disclosed.
In the first instance, we would need to know your experience and whether you can program in this 'real-time' chat area and in principle are prepared to buy into the concept, do the work first and then get the reward later.
Everything would be set up formally, so that both parties are comfortable with their security. Location is not important, but the relevant experience and being the right person with whom we can work is the key.
This may even suit a gifted programming student who wants to 'make their mark' for the future.
We provide the concept and marketing together with web page design assistance, the programmer provides the technical know-how.
The reward for you would come with a formal 50% stake in the concept.
The concept is very exciting and is very broad market-based.
Think auction sites, but very different and innovative. One auction site in our country sold a couple of years ago for 700M...so that is an idea of the market in which we want to concentrate.
The programmer must have the ability to design a 'control panel' which is exactly the same for both end users and will show and work in real-time on their desktop and link back to an admin area. It is very similar to a business chat operation with canned responses etc.
Due to commercial sensitivity, a confidential disclosure would need to be signed before full information was disclosed.
In the first instance, we would need to know your experience and whether you can program in this 'real-time' chat area and in principle are prepared to buy into the concept, do the work first and then get the reward later.
Everything would be set up formally, so that both parties are comfortable with their security. Location is not important, but the relevant experience and being the right person with whom we can work is the key.
This may even suit a gifted programming student who wants to 'make their mark' for the future.