BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

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  • clarinetjoy
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    I added a copy of what it looks like in the browser.
    Attached Files

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  • clarinetjoy
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    It is Explorer. There is no error it just has a blue box around the logo.

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  • Pablo
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Which browser do you use?
    Are your local security settings correct or do you see a secuirty error?

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  • beegud2
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker


    I noticed that upto version 9.1 of BV I could open multiple files at once but now I cannot. Let me explain: I open BV as usual and select existing fiel and open a page. I then go to my documents and select several BV files at once and press enter and they automatically open in BV. Now when I do that it does not work. I tried what Naval had suggested earlier but it only open one file and i cannot open multiple files at once. This takes an inordinate amount of time if you are working with ten files at once. Could someone please tell me if ther is another way?

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  • clarinetjoy
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Can anyone help me with this??
    I do not know if this is an issue but I can't get it figured out. I was excited about the logo maker and have been trying to create a logo. It looks fine but when I preview it in the browers it does not look ok. I created a purple ellipse logo but when I view it in the browser there is a light blue box around the logo. I cannot find anywhere how to change this to transparent or do I have to do something else?


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  • Pablo
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Peter d,
    I do not think this issues is difrectly related to the new version.
    It looks like you have moved your images to another location.
    Make sure the images of your webpage still exists.

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  • jamnltd
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Pablo - Thanks for your help. I guess I was not using the correct terminology to get my point accross. The visual of my problem was exactly what I was trying to explain. Untill you fix the problem I will just use yellow bars.

    Thanks again

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  • peter d
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Hi I have tried to get BV 9.02 and 9.03 working but to no avail.

    I am running Vista Ultimate at home and Windows XP in work, neither OS seems to work with your upgraded software.

    This is a display of the rusult of my attempt to upgrade

    In the meantime would it be possible to post a link to the pre upgraded version so i can at least manage my site.

    peter d
    Attached Files

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  • jamnltd
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    NavalDesign- Thank you for understand and the visual of my problem. I now understand why the buttons look as they do. Now I know you don't think I am craxy. I will try your suggestions re: saving them to Windows Paint or Paint Shop Pro. If and when this transpancy problem is addressed I will go back to my white/red navagation/menu bars.

    Everyone - thank you for your patience and help.

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  • trev1471
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    tryed that Navaldesign but still nothing.

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  • trev1471
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Thanks for quick responce trying it now

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  • navaldesign
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Please unistall again. Then, delete Temp files from your Browser (in IE, Tools, Otions, Delete files) and download / install again.

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  • trev1471
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    Please Helllllllllllllllllp,
    Ive installed bluevoda about 15 times now and still nothing. Its installed on to the pc but it wont open. I click on the bluevoda icon but nothing happens ive uninstalled then reinstalled it But still nothing im dying to try this software has it has got fantastic reviews.
    So can someone please HELLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLP.
    Thanks Trev

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  • navaldesign
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    1) The real problem in this case is the transparency value of the specific button. If you open the button image in PaintShopPro (or any other image editor) you will notice that the transparancy color is set to white. This should be 'none' If you make this change in PaintShopPro it will work as expected.
    One more technical detail: the 'pink' color you see in the published image button is the transparency color of the text that is rendered on top of the navigation button. But because the button has no background color it will render incorrectly.
    If someone can give a list of all problemetic navigationbar images I will try to correct them in the next update of BlueVoda. But note that can easily do it yourself with any image editor whihc supports .gif images.
    In most cases you can do something very simple: open the button image, from the navbar image library, with Windows Paint and then simply click Save. Paint does NOT preserve the transparency details, so you will have your button as you were seeing it with BV8. However, please note that this is a solution applicable only in case of rectangular buttons. Rounded ones NEED to have the transparency details (for the rounded corners)

    2) You are correct. BlueVoda now checks if the imported page really exist before it tries to download and import it.
    One more click is well worth the time, in order to avoid all those ghost browser windows.

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  • Pablo
    Re: BlueVoda V9.0.3 Issue Tracker

    1) The real problem in this case is the transparency value of the specific button. If you open the button image in PaintShopPro (or any other image editor) you will notice that the transparancy color is set to white. This should be 'none' If you make this change in PaintShopPro it will work as expected.
    One more technical detail: the 'pink' color you see in the published image button is the transparency color of the text that is rendered on top of the navigation button. But because the button has no background color it will render incorrectly.
    If someone can give a list of all problemetic navigationbar images I will try to correct them in the next update of BlueVoda. But note that can easily do it yourself with any image editor whihc supports .gif images.

    2) You are correct. BlueVoda now checks if the imported page really exist before it tries to download and import it.

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