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Suggestion for tutorials

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  • Suggestion for tutorials

    Hi all,

    my site is diet and weightloss and hosted by Voda...

    I think Voda is gt for newbies and a very good interface, just have two suggestions, as i'm still trying to get my site right etc...

    1) the tutorial for uploading PDF's, seems to me to not quiiiite be clear enough. I know I really battled to understand and work thru it, and it was only some concerted effort of correspondence with some of the veterans here like davidundalicia that got me right :- (I also see questions posted by newbies on this subject, which indicates to me that it's not quite as clear as it could be. Remember, newbies have absolutely no idea what FTP etc is!! lol)

    2) mayhaps the tutorial on Shapes is not clear enough: I had to be helped along (this time by Beth -tks!) to fully understand how to create borders around copy, as you find in typical direct response sites. But then there was a problem: in putting the border around, ie transparent, it 'blocked' all attempts to click on anything IN the site, including pay buttons. So for the time it's been up (a week?) god knows how much custom I lost coz of that mistake... what I'm saying is that as far as I could see, the tutorial wasnt fully clear as to how to a) build the border, and b) how to set the copy right IN the border (you have to right click in the shape and select 'move back' if you want the copy to be superimposed on TOP of the border, so to speak)

    Just a few suggestions that may make it easier for newbies in future...if I had a problem, then others might :-

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