Hi, marvelous and brilliant group,
I've been off for some time but...I'm back
and of course I have questions. I have redone my pages and I am changing the menu to be php, and I found out I cannot publish by ovveriding my prior page. Was told I need to go into cPanel and delete my currently published page, then publish my php page.
Well, I haven't gone into cPanel but once or twice in my lifetime. Could someone instruct me what to do/where to go within it/how to delete my old page...and anything else I must know in order to republish my new page with a php menu?
Many thanks in advance. I'll be back in a couple hrs (it's 10:50 est) to see if anyone might have answered here.
Have a great day,
I've been off for some time but...I'm back

Well, I haven't gone into cPanel but once or twice in my lifetime. Could someone instruct me what to do/where to go within it/how to delete my old page...and anything else I must know in order to republish my new page with a php menu?
Many thanks in advance. I'll be back in a couple hrs (it's 10:50 est) to see if anyone might have answered here.
Have a great day,