Hi all i am in need of some real help i have a forums on my website which is http://www.tormandguitaistshideout.com which is the smf forums i upgraded this to their latest version when i installed it a few months back. My problem now is i get this message when viewing the forums:
Database Error Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_62f9_0.MYI' (Errcode: 30)
File: /home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums/Sources/Profile.php
Line: 1346
Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.10, while your database is at version 1.1.9. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.
And am at a loss as to what i need to do, it makes me think it is an issue with my cp as also when i go to click on the fantastico deluxe i get this error below
' ; print_r ( $MYSQLHOST ) ; echo '' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_file ( $fantasticopath . '/includes/enc_restrictions.inc.php' ) ) { include ( $fantasticopath . '/includes/enc_restrictions.inc.php' ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> "> Fantastico "> $value ) { $directory = "{$fantasticopath}/fantasticoimages/Templates_Express/{$value}" ; if ( @is_dir ( $directory ) ) { @shell_exec ( "rm -rf {$directory} 2>&1" ) ; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_OIN_On_Registry ( $File ) { $Contents = file_get_contents ( $File ) ; $Contents = trim ( $Contents ) ; $Contents = str_replace ( '' , '' , $Contents ) ; $Resource = @fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( $Resource ) { $Temporary = @fwrite ( $Resource , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = @fclose ( $Resource ) ; } else { } $Temporary = @chmod ( $File , 0644 ) ; return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_OIN_Settings ( ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/oin/settings.ini' ; if ( is_file ( $File ) ) { $OIN = parse_ini_file ( $File , TRUE ) ; } else { $OIN = Array ( 'Others' => Array ( 'Mode' => 'Once' , ) , ) ; $Temporary = Set_OIN_Settings ( $OIN ) ; } return $OIN ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_OIN_Settings ( $OIN ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/oin/settings.ini' ; $Contents = <<< 2 AND !eregi ( '^www\.' , $Domain ) ) { $Domain = 'www.' . $Domain ; } return str_replace ( $Match[1] , $Domain , $URL ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Character_Count ( $String , $Character ) { $Count = 0 ; for ( $Index = 0 ; $Index < strlen ( $String ) ; $Index = $Index + 1 ) { if ( $Character == $String[$Index] ) { $Count = $Count + 1 ; } } return $Count ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_Add_File ( $File , $Contents ) { $Handle = @fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( TRUE == $Handle ) { $Temporary = fwrite ( $Handle , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = fclose ( $Handle ) ; } return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_Permission ( $File , $Permission ) { $Command = 'chmod ' . $Permission . ' "' . $File . '"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data ( $Host_Name ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/soholaunch.cache' ; $Contents = '' ; if ( is_file ( $File ) ) { if ( filemtime ( $File ) + 86400 > time ( ) ) { $Contents = implode ( '' , file ( $File ) ) ; } } if ( empty ( $Contents ) ) { $Temporary = @ini_set ( 'default_socket_timeout' , 3 ) ; /* $URL = 'http://securexfer.net/product_reports/host_config.php?hostname=' . rawurlencode ( $Host_Name ) ; $Contents = file_get_contents ( $URL ) ; */ $Resource = @fsockopen ( 'securexfer.net' , 80 , $errno , $errstr , 3 ) ; if ( FALSE == $Resource ) { } else { @stream_set_blocking ( $Resource , 0 ) ; @stream_set_timeout ( $Resource , 3 , 0 ) ; $Headers = "GET /product_reports/host_config.php?hostname=" . rawurlencode ( $Host_Name ) . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" ; $Headers .= "Host: securexfer.net\r\n" ; $Headers .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ; fwrite ( $Resource , $Headers ) ; while ( ! feof ( $Resource ) ) { $Contents .= fgets ( $Resource , 1024 ) ; } fclose ( $Resource ) ; } $Contents = split ( "\r\n\r\n" , $Contents , 2 ) ; if ( FALSE == empty ( $Contents[1] ) ) { $Contents = $Contents[1] ; $Handle = fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( TRUE == $Handle ) { $Temporary = fwrite ( $Handle , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = fclose ( $Handle ) ; } } else { $Contents = NULL ; } } /* Start Debugging */ /* echo filemtime ( $File ) . '
' ; echo time ( ) . '
' ; */ /* Stop Debugging */ if ( empty ( $Contents ) ) { $Array['sitebuilder_logo_url' ] = '' ; $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] = $GLOBALS['LANG' ]['description_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition'] ; $Array['home_page_link_url' ] = $GLOBALS['homepage' ]['Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ] ; $Array['support_page_link_url' ] = $GLOBALS['support_link']['Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ] ; $Array['sitebuilder_name' ] = 'Soholaunch Pro Edition' ; } else { $Array = unserialize ( $Contents ) ; $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] = base64_decode ( $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] ) ; } return $Array ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Available_Disk_Space ( ) { $Available_Disk_Space = "Unlimited" ; if ( ! in_array ( $Available_Disk_Space , Array ( 'NA' , 'Unlimited' , 'unknown' , '' ) ) ) { $Available_Disk_Space = intval ( $Available_Disk_Space ) ; $Available_Disk_Space = round ( $Available_Disk_Space * 1024 , 2 ) ; $Available_Disk_Space = round ( $Available_Disk_Space - 512 , 2 ) ; } else { $Available_Disk_Space = 'Unlimited' ; } /* Log */ // $Available_Disk_Space = 0 ; return $Available_Disk_Space ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( !@is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/temporary/' ) ) { $Command = 'mkdir "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/temporary/"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/PerlDesk/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/PerlDesk/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Files = Get_Files ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/' ) ; foreach ( $Files As $File ) { $thisscriptpath = '' ; $version = '' ; include '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/' . $File ; if ( !empty ( $thisscriptpath ) ) { include $thisscriptpath . '/fantversion.php' ; if ( '1.0.2' == $version ) { $Command = "mv '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/$File' '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/$File'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $cPanel_Version = '11.24.5-RELEASE' ; $cPanel_Build = '38506' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $cPanel_Version = explode ( '-' , $cPanel_Version ) ; $cPanel_Version[0] = explode ( '.' , $cPanel_Version[0] ) ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $_CPANEL["PARKED"] = array(); $_CPANEL["SUBDOMAINS"] = array('forums.tormandguitaristshideout.com' => '/home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums'); $_CPANEL["DOCROOT"] = array('forums.tormandguitaristshideout.com' => '/home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums'); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Encoded_Remote_User = "vbrqbpaj" ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> $Value ) { if ( $Key != $Licensing_Server ) { $FileContents = @file_get_contents ( 'http://' . $Key . '/fantasticoremotefiles/' . $File ) ; if ( !empty ( $FileContents ) ) { break ; } } } } return $FileContents ; } function GetScriptsList ( $Criteria = '' ) { $Status = 'Off' ; if ( 'Deprecated' == $Criteria ) { $Files['Scripts' ] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.deprecated/.contents' ; $Files['Timestamp'] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.deprecated/.timestamp' ; } else { $Files['Scripts' ] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.contents' ; $Files['Timestamp'] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.timestamp' ; } if ( is_file ( $Files['Scripts'] ) ) { $Scripts = unserialize ( trim ( file_get_contents ( $Files['Scripts'] ) ) ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cached Contents' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Scripts ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { $Scripts = '' ; } if ( is_file ( $Files['Timestamp'] ) ) { $Timestamp = trim ( file_get_contents ( $Files['Timestamp'] ) ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cached Timestamp:' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Timestamp ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { $Timestamp = 0 ; } if ( !empty ( $Scripts ) AND !empty ( $Timestamp ) ) { if ( $Timestamp >= ( time ( ) - 86400 ) ) { $Status = 'On' ; } } $Status = 'Off' ; if ( 'Off' == $Status ) { if ( $Criteria == 'Deprecated' ) { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'deprecated.xml' ) ; } else { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'scripts.xml' ) ; } $this->Parser = xml_parser_create ( ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING , 0 ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE , 1 ) ; xml_parse_into_struct ( $this->Parser , $FileContents , $Values , $Tags ) ; xml_parser_free ( $this->Parser ) ; $Index = 1 ; foreach ( $Values As $Value ) { if ( 'Name' == $Value['tag'] && 'complete' == $Value['type'] ) { $ScriptsList[$Index] = $Value['value'] ; $Index++ ; } } $Scripts = $ScriptsList ; // $Temporary = Set_Add_File ( $Files['Scripts' ] , serialize ( $Scripts ) ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Permission ( $Files['Scripts' ] , '777' ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Add_File ( $Files['Timestamp'] , time ( ) ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Permission ( $Files['Timestamp'] , '777' ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cache Miss' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Scripts ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cache Hit' ) ; } /* Debugging */ } return $Scripts ; } function GetVersionNumbers ( ) { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'versions.xml' ) ; $this->Parser = xml_parser_create ( ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING , 0 ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE , 1 ) ; xml_parse_into_struct ( $this->Parser , $FileContents , $Values , $Tags ) ; xml_parser_free ( $this->Parser ) ; foreach ( $Values As $Value ) { if ( 'Version' == $Value['tag'] && 'complete' == $Value['type'] ) { if ( !empty ( $Value['attributes']['Type'] ) ) { $Type = trim ( $Value['attributes']['Type'] ) ; } $Number = $Value['value'] ; $Versions[$Type] = $Number ; } } return $Versions ; } } ?> GetScriptsList ( 'Deprecated' ) ; // echo '' ; print_r ( $DeprecatedScripts ) ; echo '' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( @is_file ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php' ) ) { $kanoodle_link_name = "Kanoodle"; } else { $kanoodle_link_name = "Kanoodle"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if( is_dir ( $features_set_name . 'Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ) ) { $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data = Get_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data ( php_uname ( 'n' ) ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if(@is_file("/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php")) { @include "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_dir ( './--mode=0755' ) ) { $Command = 'rm -rf "./--mode=0755"' ; $Output = `$Command` ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/fantasticoheader.php" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/fantasticofooter.php" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader1.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader2.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader3.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/index.html" 2>&1` ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_dir ( "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Typo3" ) ) { $Command = 'mv "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Typo3/" "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/TYPO3/"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> $Scripts ) { $IsDir = 0 ; foreach ( $Scripts As $Index => $ScriptName ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { $IsDir = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } if ( $IsDir == 1 ) { $AtLeastOne = 0 ; foreach ( $Scripts As $Index => $ScriptName ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { if( is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName ) ) { if ( in_array ( $ScriptName , $DeprecatedScripts ) ) { if ( NumberOfInstallations ( $ScriptName ) > 0 ) { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } else { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } } else if ( $Public_Settings['Features_Sets']['Automatically_Activate_Scripts'] == 'Yes' && !is_dir ( $features_set_name . '/' . $ScriptName . '.off' ) ) { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } if ( $AtLeastOne == 1 ) { if ( $side_menu_appearance == 1 ) { ?> -- -- $ScriptName ) { if ( is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName ) || ( $Public_Settings['Features_Sets']['Automatically_Activate_Scripts'] == 'Yes' && !is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName . '.off' ) ) ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { $Selected = '' ; $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( $thisapp == $ScriptName ) { $Selected = ' selected' ; $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } $Description = $LANG['description_' . $ScriptName] ; if ( $ScriptName == 'Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ) { if ( !empty ( $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_name'] ) ) { $HumanScriptName = $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_name' ] ; $Description = $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_description_text'] ; } else { $HumanScriptName = get_new_name ( $ScriptName ) ; } } else { $HumanScriptName = get_new_name ( $ScriptName ) ; } if ( in_array ( $ScriptName , $DeprecatedScripts ) ) { if ( NumberOfInstallations ( $ScriptName ) < 1 ) { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1; continue ; } } if ( $side_menu_appearance == 1 ) { ?> > " class="Dropdown"> $Titles ) { $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( ereg ( $FileName , $PHP_SELF ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } $Title = explode ( '|' , $Titles ) ; echo ""; } /* if ( is_file ( "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php" ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( ereg ( "kanoodle.php" , $PHP_SELF ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } echo ""; } */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if($NoLicense == 1) { $disable = array(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> " class="Dropdown"> > > " class="Dropdown">"; echo "" . $Title[1] . ""; echo ""; echo "$kanoodle_link_name"; echo " Status: 404 Not Found X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.9 Content-type: text/html No input file specified.
What i want to know is how do i upgrade the database how do i do it? When i go into the cp i have no clue any help would be great it all seems another language to me. I went to their support forums and they seem to think it is an issue within my cp, i can not even look at the fantastico deluxe for other software to install as the message above is always there i looked into the my sql databases and am confused i repaired but i daren't do anything else Thank you
Database Error Can't create/write to file '/tmp/#sql_62f9_0.MYI' (Errcode: 30)
File: /home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums/Sources/Profile.php
Line: 1346
Note: It appears that your database may require an upgrade. Your forum's files are currently at version SMF 1.1.10, while your database is at version 1.1.9. The above error might possibly go away if you execute the latest version of upgrade.php.
And am at a loss as to what i need to do, it makes me think it is an issue with my cp as also when i go to click on the fantastico deluxe i get this error below
' ; print_r ( $MYSQLHOST ) ; echo '' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_file ( $fantasticopath . '/includes/enc_restrictions.inc.php' ) ) { include ( $fantasticopath . '/includes/enc_restrictions.inc.php' ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> "> Fantastico "> $value ) { $directory = "{$fantasticopath}/fantasticoimages/Templates_Express/{$value}" ; if ( @is_dir ( $directory ) ) { @shell_exec ( "rm -rf {$directory} 2>&1" ) ; } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_OIN_On_Registry ( $File ) { $Contents = file_get_contents ( $File ) ; $Contents = trim ( $Contents ) ; $Contents = str_replace ( '' , '' , $Contents ) ; $Resource = @fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( $Resource ) { $Temporary = @fwrite ( $Resource , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = @fclose ( $Resource ) ; } else { } $Temporary = @chmod ( $File , 0644 ) ; return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_OIN_Settings ( ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/oin/settings.ini' ; if ( is_file ( $File ) ) { $OIN = parse_ini_file ( $File , TRUE ) ; } else { $OIN = Array ( 'Others' => Array ( 'Mode' => 'Once' , ) , ) ; $Temporary = Set_OIN_Settings ( $OIN ) ; } return $OIN ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_OIN_Settings ( $OIN ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/oin/settings.ini' ; $Contents = <<< 2 AND !eregi ( '^www\.' , $Domain ) ) { $Domain = 'www.' . $Domain ; } return str_replace ( $Match[1] , $Domain , $URL ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Character_Count ( $String , $Character ) { $Count = 0 ; for ( $Index = 0 ; $Index < strlen ( $String ) ; $Index = $Index + 1 ) { if ( $Character == $String[$Index] ) { $Count = $Count + 1 ; } } return $Count ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_Add_File ( $File , $Contents ) { $Handle = @fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( TRUE == $Handle ) { $Temporary = fwrite ( $Handle , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = fclose ( $Handle ) ; } return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Set_Permission ( $File , $Permission ) { $Command = 'chmod ' . $Permission . ' "' . $File . '"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; return TRUE ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data ( $Host_Name ) { $File = '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/soholaunch.cache' ; $Contents = '' ; if ( is_file ( $File ) ) { if ( filemtime ( $File ) + 86400 > time ( ) ) { $Contents = implode ( '' , file ( $File ) ) ; } } if ( empty ( $Contents ) ) { $Temporary = @ini_set ( 'default_socket_timeout' , 3 ) ; /* $URL = 'http://securexfer.net/product_reports/host_config.php?hostname=' . rawurlencode ( $Host_Name ) ; $Contents = file_get_contents ( $URL ) ; */ $Resource = @fsockopen ( 'securexfer.net' , 80 , $errno , $errstr , 3 ) ; if ( FALSE == $Resource ) { } else { @stream_set_blocking ( $Resource , 0 ) ; @stream_set_timeout ( $Resource , 3 , 0 ) ; $Headers = "GET /product_reports/host_config.php?hostname=" . rawurlencode ( $Host_Name ) . " HTTP/1.0\r\n" ; $Headers .= "Host: securexfer.net\r\n" ; $Headers .= "Connection: Close\r\n\r\n" ; fwrite ( $Resource , $Headers ) ; while ( ! feof ( $Resource ) ) { $Contents .= fgets ( $Resource , 1024 ) ; } fclose ( $Resource ) ; } $Contents = split ( "\r\n\r\n" , $Contents , 2 ) ; if ( FALSE == empty ( $Contents[1] ) ) { $Contents = $Contents[1] ; $Handle = fopen ( $File , 'w' ) ; if ( TRUE == $Handle ) { $Temporary = fwrite ( $Handle , $Contents ) ; $Temporary = fclose ( $Handle ) ; } } else { $Contents = NULL ; } } /* Start Debugging */ /* echo filemtime ( $File ) . '
' ; echo time ( ) . '
' ; */ /* Stop Debugging */ if ( empty ( $Contents ) ) { $Array['sitebuilder_logo_url' ] = '' ; $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] = $GLOBALS['LANG' ]['description_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition'] ; $Array['home_page_link_url' ] = $GLOBALS['homepage' ]['Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ] ; $Array['support_page_link_url' ] = $GLOBALS['support_link']['Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ] ; $Array['sitebuilder_name' ] = 'Soholaunch Pro Edition' ; } else { $Array = unserialize ( $Contents ) ; $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] = base64_decode ( $Array['sitebuilder_description_text'] ) ; } return $Array ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// function Get_Available_Disk_Space ( ) { $Available_Disk_Space = "Unlimited" ; if ( ! in_array ( $Available_Disk_Space , Array ( 'NA' , 'Unlimited' , 'unknown' , '' ) ) ) { $Available_Disk_Space = intval ( $Available_Disk_Space ) ; $Available_Disk_Space = round ( $Available_Disk_Space * 1024 , 2 ) ; $Available_Disk_Space = round ( $Available_Disk_Space - 512 , 2 ) ; } else { $Available_Disk_Space = 'Unlimited' ; } /* Log */ // $Available_Disk_Space = 0 ; return $Available_Disk_Space ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( !@is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/temporary/' ) ) { $Command = 'mkdir "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/temporary/"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } if ( !is_dir ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/PerlDesk/' ) ) { $Command = "mkdir '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/PerlDesk/'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Files = Get_Files ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/' ) ; foreach ( $Files As $File ) { $thisscriptpath = '' ; $version = '' ; include '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/' . $File ; if ( !empty ( $thisscriptpath ) ) { include $thisscriptpath . '/fantversion.php' ; if ( '1.0.2' == $version ) { $Command = "mv '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Mambo_Open_Source/$File' '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Joomla/$File'" ; $Output = `$Command` ; } } } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $cPanel_Version = '11.24.5-RELEASE' ; $cPanel_Build = '38506' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $cPanel_Version = explode ( '-' , $cPanel_Version ) ; $cPanel_Version[0] = explode ( '.' , $cPanel_Version[0] ) ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $_CPANEL["PARKED"] = array(); $_CPANEL["SUBDOMAINS"] = array('forums.tormandguitaristshideout.com' => '/home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums'); $_CPANEL["DOCROOT"] = array('forums.tormandguitaristshideout.com' => '/home/vbrqbpaj/public_html/forums'); //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Encoded_Remote_User = "vbrqbpaj" ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> $Value ) { if ( $Key != $Licensing_Server ) { $FileContents = @file_get_contents ( 'http://' . $Key . '/fantasticoremotefiles/' . $File ) ; if ( !empty ( $FileContents ) ) { break ; } } } } return $FileContents ; } function GetScriptsList ( $Criteria = '' ) { $Status = 'Off' ; if ( 'Deprecated' == $Criteria ) { $Files['Scripts' ] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.deprecated/.contents' ; $Files['Timestamp'] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.deprecated/.timestamp' ; } else { $Files['Scripts' ] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.contents' ; $Files['Timestamp'] = $GLOBALS['Public_Settings']['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/fantastico_de_luxe/cache/.scripts/.timestamp' ; } if ( is_file ( $Files['Scripts'] ) ) { $Scripts = unserialize ( trim ( file_get_contents ( $Files['Scripts'] ) ) ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cached Contents' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Scripts ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { $Scripts = '' ; } if ( is_file ( $Files['Timestamp'] ) ) { $Timestamp = trim ( file_get_contents ( $Files['Timestamp'] ) ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cached Timestamp:' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Timestamp ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { $Timestamp = 0 ; } if ( !empty ( $Scripts ) AND !empty ( $Timestamp ) ) { if ( $Timestamp >= ( time ( ) - 86400 ) ) { $Status = 'On' ; } } $Status = 'Off' ; if ( 'Off' == $Status ) { if ( $Criteria == 'Deprecated' ) { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'deprecated.xml' ) ; } else { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'scripts.xml' ) ; } $this->Parser = xml_parser_create ( ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING , 0 ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE , 1 ) ; xml_parse_into_struct ( $this->Parser , $FileContents , $Values , $Tags ) ; xml_parser_free ( $this->Parser ) ; $Index = 1 ; foreach ( $Values As $Value ) { if ( 'Name' == $Value['tag'] && 'complete' == $Value['type'] ) { $ScriptsList[$Index] = $Value['value'] ; $Index++ ; } } $Scripts = $ScriptsList ; // $Temporary = Set_Add_File ( $Files['Scripts' ] , serialize ( $Scripts ) ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Permission ( $Files['Scripts' ] , '777' ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Add_File ( $Files['Timestamp'] , time ( ) ) ; // $Temporary = Set_Permission ( $Files['Timestamp'] , '777' ) ; /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cache Miss' ) ; echo Get_Variable_Dump ( $Scripts ) ; } /* Debugging */ } else { /* Debugging */ if ( 'On' == $_REQUEST['Debug'] ) { echo Get_Variable_Dump ( 'Scripts: Cache Hit' ) ; } /* Debugging */ } return $Scripts ; } function GetVersionNumbers ( ) { $FileContents = $this->GetFileContents ( 'versions.xml' ) ; $this->Parser = xml_parser_create ( ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_CASE_FOLDING , 0 ) ; xml_parser_set_option ( $this->Parser , XML_OPTION_SKIP_WHITE , 1 ) ; xml_parse_into_struct ( $this->Parser , $FileContents , $Values , $Tags ) ; xml_parser_free ( $this->Parser ) ; foreach ( $Values As $Value ) { if ( 'Version' == $Value['tag'] && 'complete' == $Value['type'] ) { if ( !empty ( $Value['attributes']['Type'] ) ) { $Type = trim ( $Value['attributes']['Type'] ) ; } $Number = $Value['value'] ; $Versions[$Type] = $Number ; } } return $Versions ; } } ?> GetScriptsList ( 'Deprecated' ) ; // echo '' ; print_r ( $DeprecatedScripts ) ; echo '' ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( @is_file ( '/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php' ) ) { $kanoodle_link_name = "Kanoodle"; } else { $kanoodle_link_name = "Kanoodle"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if( is_dir ( $features_set_name . 'Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ) ) { $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data = Get_Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data ( php_uname ( 'n' ) ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if(@is_file("/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php")) { @include "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php"; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_dir ( './--mode=0755' ) ) { $Command = 'rm -rf "./--mode=0755"' ; $Output = `$Command` ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/fantasticoheader.php" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/fantasticofooter.php" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader1.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader2.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/includes/fantasticoheader3.html" 2>&1` ; $Output = `rm -rf "$fantasticopath/index.html" 2>&1` ; //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if ( is_dir ( "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Typo3" ) ) { $Command = 'mv "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/Typo3/" "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/TYPO3/"' ; $Output = Get_Output ( $Command ) ; } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> $Scripts ) { $IsDir = 0 ; foreach ( $Scripts As $Index => $ScriptName ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { $IsDir = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } if ( $IsDir == 1 ) { $AtLeastOne = 0 ; foreach ( $Scripts As $Index => $ScriptName ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { if( is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName ) ) { if ( in_array ( $ScriptName , $DeprecatedScripts ) ) { if ( NumberOfInstallations ( $ScriptName ) > 0 ) { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } else { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } } else if ( $Public_Settings['Features_Sets']['Automatically_Activate_Scripts'] == 'Yes' && !is_dir ( $features_set_name . '/' . $ScriptName . '.off' ) ) { $AtLeastOne = 1 ; break ; } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } else { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1 ; } } if ( $AtLeastOne == 1 ) { if ( $side_menu_appearance == 1 ) { ?> -- -- $ScriptName ) { if ( is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName ) || ( $Public_Settings['Features_Sets']['Automatically_Activate_Scripts'] == 'Yes' && !is_dir ( $features_set_name . $ScriptName . '.off' ) ) ) { if ( is_file ( $Public_Settings['Paths']['Netenberg'] . 'netenberg/archives/fantastico_de_luxe/' . Get_tgz_Prefix ( ) . $ScriptName . '.tgz' ) ) { $Selected = '' ; $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( $thisapp == $ScriptName ) { $Selected = ' selected' ; $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } $Description = $LANG['description_' . $ScriptName] ; if ( $ScriptName == 'Soholaunch_Pro_Edition' ) { if ( !empty ( $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_name'] ) ) { $HumanScriptName = $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_name' ] ; $Description = $Soholaunch_Pro_Edition_Data['sitebuilder_description_text'] ; } else { $HumanScriptName = get_new_name ( $ScriptName ) ; } } else { $HumanScriptName = get_new_name ( $ScriptName ) ; } if ( in_array ( $ScriptName , $DeprecatedScripts ) ) { if ( NumberOfInstallations ( $ScriptName ) < 1 ) { $disable[$ScriptName] = 1; continue ; } } if ( $side_menu_appearance == 1 ) { ?> > " class="Dropdown"> $Titles ) { $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( ereg ( $FileName , $PHP_SELF ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } $Title = explode ( '|' , $Titles ) ; echo ""; } /* if ( is_file ( "/home/vbrqbpaj/.fantasticodata/kanoodle_settings.php" ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotgrey.gif' ; if ( ereg ( "kanoodle.php" , $PHP_SELF ) ) { $Image = 'xc_dotblue.gif' ; } echo ""; } */ } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// if($NoLicense == 1) { $disable = array(); } //----------------------------------------------------------------------------// ?> " class="Dropdown"> > > " class="Dropdown">"; echo "" . $Title[1] . ""; echo ""; echo "$kanoodle_link_name"; echo " Status: 404 Not Found X-Powered-By: PHP/5.2.9 Content-type: text/html No input file specified.
What i want to know is how do i upgrade the database how do i do it? When i go into the cp i have no clue any help would be great it all seems another language to me. I went to their support forums and they seem to think it is an issue within my cp, i can not even look at the fantastico deluxe for other software to install as the message above is always there i looked into the my sql databases and am confused i repaired but i daren't do anything else Thank you