I hate to make something that should be so simple my first question, but when I log in to configure DNS settings, it says there are no domain names registered to my account. I have the information from my Welcome letter for the new settings, and I've watched the tutorial, (repeatedly), but still no way to actually access the information I need to change. My domain name is mymub.info. Any direction would be appreciated. Thanks
DNS Registration
Re: DNS Registration
If this is the main domain name that you got with your account, you dont need to do anything. In fact, it is already on ns23.vodahost.com and ns24.vodahost.com
You would only need to point your nameservers if this was an addon domain, separately purchased.Navaldesign
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Re: DNS Registration
Thanks very much. I thought that might have been the case with new domains, but just wanted to make sure.. As to the other part of the question, my account still shows no domain names listed in my account. Is this something I need to add? Thanks again, there is sure a lot of information to pour through.
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Re: DNS Registration
I also have a quick question. If I currently have a domain hosted elsewhere (GoDaddy), can I still do an add-on to my account for this domain, publish using BV to make sure my redesigned site is correct before I change nameserver location?
I wouldn't do the "index" page because I want my customers to go to my current site until new one is up and correct. I'm hoping I could publish a few interior pages to see if I'm building them correct.
Didn't know if there would be a conflict of any kind to do this.Sheryl Tupa
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Re: DNS Registration
Create a folder inside your public_html, named "second_domain" where second domain is the actual name of your GoDAddy domain. Publish your pages there. This way you can test them. Then, once done, point your second domain from GD to your VH account, and add it as addon domain.Navaldesign
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Re: DNS Registration
Thank you "Naval". I'm not familiar with the Control Panel yet, so I don't really know how to do this. I'm sure there must be a tutorial about it in this wonderful forum.Sheryl Tupa
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Re: DNS Registration
Originally posted by SherylTThank you "Naval". I'm not familiar with the Control Panel yet, so I don't really know how to do this. I'm sure there must be a tutorial about it in this wonderful forum.Adding an additional domain name to your account (add-on domains)
Click on the icon for the addon domains tutorial.Navaldesign
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Re: DNS Registration
Originally posted by ElyI want to register my domain with vodahost what i need to do?? the firt year is free??
Purchasing an account entitles you to a free domain name registration (for the first year).Navaldesign
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Re: DNS Registration
I did the add-on domain for cust-m-cartoons.com, but don't understand how I publish to that account rather than my "main" VH domain which is custmcartoons.com. This whole multiple domains under one account is a little confusing. You're saying that I publish to the add-on, then when site is complete change the nameservers at GoDaddy and I will be able to maintain www.cust-m-cartoons.com as what my customers see?Sheryl Tupa
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Re: DNS Registration
When you added the new domain (cust-m-cartoons) as addon, CP has created a new folder inside your public_html folder, named "cust-m-cartoons" (or something like that, i'm not sure how CP behaves with - symbols). So, when you publish, you need to type in the field "Folder" of the Publish dialog box, this: "public_html/cust-m-cartoons" or whatever CP has named the folder.
This folder is, for the new domain, what public_html is for the main domain.
Make sure to create on your computer, a folder, inside your BlueVoda folder, named also "cust-m-cartoons", and save all the pages that you will create for the new domain, inside it, so you will not have conflicts and problems with your main site pages.
Yes, since this is an existing site, by simply pointing the nameservers from GD to your VH account (where you have already addd your domain name as addon) will result in it being automatically visible.
However, it will be a little hard to test the links between your pages, because links need the absolute URL (http://www.custom-m-cartoons.com/pagename.html) which for now is not working because the domain is pointed at GoDaddy.
You could still test your links, if you made the links relative (in the URL field, in the Link dialog box, type only, i.e. "aboutus.html" instead of http://www.custom-m-cartoons.com/aboutus.html .
This will make it so that your links will still work even before you point your domain to VH.Navaldesign
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Re: DNS Registration
Thanks so much. I think I get it now!Sheryl Tupa
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