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Add-on Domain & Publish Question

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  • Add-on Domain & Publish Question

    Rather blindly and luckily after much work I successfully published my website:, but have been struggling unsuccessfully the past several weeks to publish my add-on website (Looks Rule):

    I think I performed the cPanelX add-on correctly for, after which I again deleted most everything related to (e.g., the items listed under Public_HTML/looksfule) to try starting again from the start, but I now have four problems/questions:

    (Problem/question #1)
    When I use Internet Explorer to access, I only get the following "Inex of" followed by a listing of 30 items or so related to my website:

    Index of /

    Name Last modified Size Description Parent Directory 05-Nov-2007 23:54 -

    Experimental Researc..> 09-Nov-2007 15:53 53k
    LOOKScover.jpg 09-Nov-2007 15:53 53k
    P&Pcover.jpg 09-Nov-2007 15:53 43k
    PAPcover_01.jpg 09-Nov-2007 15:53 61k
    SecondaryDatacover_0..> 09-Nov-2007 15:53 63k
    WhyPAcover.jpg 09-Nov-2007 15:53 20k
    bv01022.gif 09-Nov-2007 15:58 1k
    bv01023.gif 09-Nov-2007 15:58 1k
    bv01025.gif 09-Nov-2007 15:59 2k
    bv01298.gif 09-Nov-2007 16:16 16k
    bv01316.gif 09-Nov-2007 16:16 3k
    bv01317.gif 09-Nov-2007 16:16 3k
    bv01318.gif 09-Nov-2007 16:16 3k

    ETC. ETC.

    (Problem/question #2)
    My website has about 10 pages and while I was publishing them, the first five or so went properly through "successful" publishing, but after five or six of these pages, I now get a message when I try to publish a page that my attempt to publish failed because of incorrect password even though the password was working a second ago:

    "Publish Failed
    Internet Exception Error 12014
    Request to connect and log on to the FTP server could not be completed because supplied password is incorrect."

    (Question #3)
    As well as publishing my individual website pages, it seems that I must FTP my files that end in .bvp to Public_HTML/looksrule, however, according to VodaHost tutorials, FTP does not publish .bvp files. Am I correct in my assumption that I must FTP all my files that end in .bvp? I am sure I am missing understanding here, but why? For example, when I look under Public_HTML/looksrule, I see to see my list of published files.

    (Question #4)
    What are FTP files? Is there a dictionary somewhere within VodaHost or BlueVoda that provides nice definitions or explanation what they are or why are imortant for items such as FTP files (as well as, the tools as such that appear on the left side of the page when working on the design of a BlueVoda page)?

    Thank you.


  • #2
    Re: Add-on Domain problem to publish files/pages

    (Problem/question #1)
    When I use Internet Explorer to access, I only get the following "Inex of" followed by a listing of 30 items or so related to my website:

    Index of /
    You can solve this problem by preparing a page with the blue voda software and naming, saving and publishing as index - all small letters, no capitals, no spaces ...

    This will then be what you find when you type in

    (Problem/question #2)
    My website has about 10 pages and while I was publishing them, the first five or so went properly through "successful" publishing, but after five or six of these pages, I now get a message when I try to publish a page that my attempt to publish failed because of incorrect password even though the password was working a second ago:

    "Publish Failed
    Internet Exception Error 12014
    Request to connect and log on to the FTP server could not be completed because supplied password is incorrect."

    This can happen, be sure you are copying and pasting or typing your passcodes in correctly. Untick remember me, close your builder, reopen and copy and paste again.

    (Question #3)
    As well as publishing my individual website pages, it seems that I must FTP my files that end in .bvp to Public_HTML/looksrule, however, according to VodaHost tutorials, FTP does not publish .bvp files. Am I correct in my assumption that I must FTP all my files that end in .bvp? I am sure I am missing understanding here, but why? For example, when I look under Public_HTML/looksrule, I see to see my list of published files.

    You publish your web pages to public_html/looksrule - the .bvp files stay on your computer - you do not upload them - you publish them with the web builder and blue voda does all the rest, converts these to html for you somewhere between ground (your computer) and space (your website) LOL LOL - So, NO, you are not correct in your assumption.
    Yes, you should be able to see all of your files exactly where you are looking. There are some files that you might FTP up into your directory, however, never a .bvp file which is what you build with the FREE Blue Voda Software.

    (Question #4)
    What are FTP files? Is there a dictionary somewhere within VodaHost or BlueVoda that provides nice definitions or explanation what they are or why are imortant for items such as FTP files (as well as, the tools as such that appear on the left side of the page when working on the design of a BlueVoda page)?

    There are many tutorials which I recommend you view and you should. There are ways to name your pages as I stated above and ways to type in the address (url) for each page .. You can find the link to all of Voda Hosts tutorials at the top of this forum.

    A couple tips, keep your pages to '800 width if you want to avoid sideways scrolling, the length is not a factor ..

    View the tutorials, try each icon within the web builder and see what each does. This support forum is wonderful reading .. many tips, methods and views can be found here ...

    Thank you.
    You're welcome! Good Luck ..


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    • #3
      Re: Add-on Domain & Publish Question

      Thank you LadyEye, I will try precisely as you've stated. By the way, although I must use small letters, no capitals, and no spaces for the index page or any other of the website pages for, can I use hyphens? For example,

      Note: Since I now have two websites ( and, I named all my Looks Rule pages with lower case "lr" followed by "--" such as "lr-index" rather than just "index" so I would not accidentally save one index page over another and then loose my my work in preparing the first index page. I did the same with all the Looks Rule pages, beginnign each of the file names/paes with "lr--" (using all lower case and no spaces, but using two hyphens which I haven't read anywhere is prohibited or not advised.

      Thank you.



      • #4
        Re: Add-on Domain & Publish Question

        Originally posted by gordon787 View Post
        Thank you LadyEye, I will try precisely as you've stated. By the way, although I must use small letters, no capitals, and no spaces for the index page or any other of the website pages for, can I use hyphens? For example,

        Note: Since I now have two websites ( and, I named all my Looks Rule pages with lower case "lr" followed by "--" such as "lr-index" rather than just "index" so I would not accidentally save one index page over another and then loose my my work in preparing the first index page. I did the same with all the Looks Rule pages, beginnign each of the file names/paes with "lr--" (using all lower case and no spaces, but using two hyphens which I haven't read anywhere is prohibited or not advised.

        Thank you.

        Hi Gordon:

        You can use the - (hyphen) and _ (underscore) between words for page naming, but must be joined (no spaces) - but NOT for your main page index - this needs to be index, all small letters, no capitals ..

        And if you make yourself a new folder on your computer in the location MYDOCUMENTS/BLUEVODA and name this new folder looksrule and then store all of the pages you build in this folder instead - this will prevent overwriting of your files if stored in this manner.

        I know you like to keep track of your images, files and pages with the lr, but you would be better off storing them in their own folder and naming your page as to what the content is about instead of naming the pages all with lr etc.

        And your index page doesn't ever need to be typed as - the index page is the only exception to this and the url (address) should only ever be typed or linked as

        If you ever have any problems with your images not showing, keep in mind about naming them, they too prefer to be shorter names with no commas, spaces or if spaces, the spaces joined with _


        Your Website People!
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        • #5
          Re: Add-on Domain & Publish Question

          Thank you your LadyEye. What you state below specific to the Index page, combined with your earlier statement, provide a wealth of information.

          Gordon /// gordon787


          • #6
            Re: Add-on Domain & Publish Question

            yw Gordon and Good Luck ... we are all here to help you create your site ... Keep us posted.

            Good Luck


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