Need help with new SEPARATE site

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  • Need help with new SEPARATE site

    Ok, here is my dilema. I have an account already ( that I have published and have had for some time. I just (12/22) purchased a new domain name ( and a new dedicated IP address for a separate business/site. I don't want the two to be connected at all. But when I purchased this last one, my options were a)I am a new customer and b)add this to my account. I added it to my existing account. Since then, I have been going back and to with support tickets and can't seem to get it straight. Now, when I log into my control panel for my primary account, it shows that I have a different IP address from what I had. I keep getting emails back from support telling me to set this new account up as an addon domain, so I did that. But when I published it, and went online and type in, it takes me to some other website/search engine named As for my DNS, I got an email (that I can't seem to find now) instructing me to update my DNS. I followed the directions and did this also. But now I can't remember where I went to for that. LadyEye tried to help me when I posted in the wrong forum, but that wasn't what I needed either (I don't think).

    Also, I never received a welcome letter for this new domain and IP address. I have however received two separate passwords (neither work). And, no, the email was not sent to a junk folder or to the trash. I checked.

    Basically, I am at a loss. I need someone to start me over with this new domain that I can't seem to use. I don't want it to be connected to my other domain at all. I want to keep both separate and be able to manage both separately. When someone types in, I want to appear in their web browser, not . Can you please help me???

    Thank you so much

    Heather Whittle

    PS, I previously posted this in someone elses thread. I'm going to delete that one if possible. If not, I'm sorry for the confusion.

  • #2
    Re: Need help with new SEPARATE site

    And one more thing regarding the new dedicated IP address that I just purchased. I don't know what it is. I don't know if it is the same as what I had with my other domain name or if it is a different one. I never got an email or anything telling me what the new IP address is.


    • #3
      Re: Need help with new SEPARATE site

      Ok. Never mind. I don't have a clue what I did, but it worked. My site is now online!


      • Meanderer

        • Aug 2007
        • 324

        Re: Need help with new SEPARATE site

        Hi Heather,
        I don't think your problem is solved yet.
        Your new site shows up BUT the other domain ( takes you to the new site as well!
        I'm sure I could work my way through it if it was my own problem and at my fingertips but I wouldn't be able to advise you how to fiddle with it via posts here. :(
        Just a tip about your pages ...
        Whilst each page needs a certain file name, using page properties you can actually NAME pages. So go to properties of your index page, (index.bvp) and name the page to say, Talk Around Town. That will then show up on the Tabs of peoples' browsers. Helps especially when you have more than one browser tab open at a time. Sorry I can't be of more help with your domains.


        • #5
          Re: Need help with new SEPARATE site

          Thank you Meanderer. Try to access the old site now. I was using the old site as a preview for the new site, so when you enter(ed) the old site's address, it looked like you were going into the new one. (Hope I haven't confused you.) Anyway, late last night, after I got the new site situated, I went to my other computer and republished the old site. Then I tried accessing both sites from both my computers and they both went to the individual sites. (In case I have confused you, I have one site designed and saved on one of my computers and the other designed and saved on my other computer). Anyway, when I try accessing them, I am taken to each site. So, if you would, try it now and see if it is still a problem. I have come to realize that what shows on my computer isn't always what shows on everyone else's computer. Not sure why that is. If you want to email me, my email is whittle877********.com.



          • Meanderer

            • Aug 2007
            • 324

            Re: Need help with new SEPARATE site

            Hi Heather,
            Yep. It's corrected. Each site showing separately now. Changing those Page Names in Properties will look a lot better when you get around to it.
            You might want to edit out your email address in the above post or you'll suffer the rath of spambots! :(
            Cheers, and happy new year.


            • #7
              Re: Need help with new SEPARATE site

              Thanks, but I can't. I don't have the edit option anymore. Maybe the webmaster or moderators can do that for me. I would greatly appreciate that.

