New information about .CO.ZA Dns Changes.

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  • MadManicMayhem

    • Jan 2008
    • 20

    New information about .CO.ZA Dns Changes.

    My spelling sucks so dont even bother telling me, I already know.

    I have been watching VH very closly for about 1 year now and can
    finaly say im a member, however hanging around long enough will surtanly
    create a good heap of knowledge acumilation.

    So here we go.

    Downloading information.........................25%...

    ...............................50%................ .....
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    ........100%.-:Data execution started.

    Hey My name is Tazz Manic aKa MadManicMayhem

    I have had trouble with DNS Changes for the .CO.ZA Domains from the first time i got one.

    I purchas mine from SA DOMAIN, and this is how it works.

    The Domain Points to their name server initially for it to be changed thiey say on the website

    "You are now at the SA Domain management console for .COM, .NET, .ORG, etc. (PLEASE NOTE THAT THIS PROGRAM WILL NOT MANAGE .CO.ZA DOMAIN NAMES)"

    and then they continued to say in an email addressed to me

    "Please arrange with your new ISP to transfer the domain name over to

    The best is still comming, (I will paste links at bottom for the hole procedure)

    They continue to say that the Transfer / Nameserver updates for a CO.ZA domain name are done through a
    company called
    Uniforum Association SA

    Going directly through them, however requires you to have a hole heap
    of information ready



    Then some information from your host


    And finaly


    The procedure as they explain it. Seems to imply that the Whois information needs updating.

    So it seems to me there is one of two options.

    Your host agrees most likly one in South Africa. "I havent had any -no we cant do it- over here, but then again they suck and propably need the clients.

    You contact your host requesting the information requisted in the application
    Then send the completed form back to a robot of some sort that scans the email, then sends notices out to all the email addresses found in the document, requesting them to allow or deny the update

    More allows than denys will cause it to update, however
    should the vote be tied or in deny's favour - you can forget about it being updated.

    Here is the email that instructed me on the procedure

    CO.ZA domain transfer / Nameserver update
    ================================================== ==
    Transfer / Nameserver updates for a CO.ZA domain name are done through a
    company called Uniforum Association SA (

    Please arrange with your new ISP to transfer the domain name over to
    themselves, alternatively you can find the update FAQ section from the
    following link:

    Once the transfer request has been sent, the registrant contact for that
    domain will receive a request for confirmation which must be answered
    within 24 hours of initiation.

    To see the current contact for a domain visit:

    *Please note that when the update is done all the sections must be updated*

    I tried it and failed.
    told me need to have the requered info from the host.

    Hey guys if someone could check this out and either just do it for us
    or give us the requered information so we can do it ourselfs we will appretiate it emensly. PLEASE PLEASE PLEEEAAAASSSE!

  • MadManicMayhem

    • Jan 2008
    • 20

    Re: New information about .CO.ZA Dns Changes.


    With extensive emailing, excelent service once again from VH, a few calls to my registrar, submission of one form and 24HOURS later......

    And I now own and manage my domain name

    I have sent an email requesting the billing information and exact costs.
    I am however under the impression that registration of domains
    are billed at ZAR 50.00 at

    Should you require more information please leave a post and i will explain estensively the procedure i followed to succesfully acuire a domain, hence what seems to me the only way of updating the NAME SERVERS.

    Please also note that should you "screw" up the request, youll have to wait 24HOURS before you can try again, since the request is automated.

    Tazz Manic

