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two domains?

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  • two domains?

    when odering bv i opted to use an existing domain name and leave it at my current host, in hindsight i should've taken up the offer of the free bv domain and left my existing site up, giving me the option of two websites offering different services i.e a site and a .com, is there a way i can go back and claim the free domain to publish my new bv site?
    current site is which is under construction and is available.

  • #2
    Re: two domains?

    Originally posted by pbg View Post
    when odering bv i opted to use an existing domain name and leave it at my current host, in hindsight i should've taken up the offer of the free bv domain and left my existing site up, giving me the option of two websites offering different services i.e a site and a .com, is there a way i can go back and claim the free domain to publish my new bv site?
    current site is which is under construction and is available.

    You can have both of your domains with voda hosting .. you could order up your .com domain from voda hosting and explain that you didn't choose the free domain or the free transfer and they may be forgiving, if not it's not alot of money for another domain name .. and you will want to offer different services, otherwise you would want to redirect one to the other so your site wasn't seen as having duplicate content ..

    - do you mean leaving your domain at the current host or leaving your domain at the current registrar?

    - I assume you intend to build your site with blue voda - if so, then you do not need to keep your other hosting, you would only keep your other domain registrar and you would point this domain to your voda host servers -


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    • #3
      Re: two domains?

      thanks for the reply but i don't mind admitting i'm a bit lost with it, i've taken the bv free domain and that site is up and running i've got my server to point my old site to bv but how do i publish another site to this domain? wouldn't i have to open another bv account or can i publish to two domains from one account, if so can you give me some tips on how to go about it please.


      • #4
        Re: two domains?



        • #5
          Re: two domains?

          Hi pbg..
          You can do a second website as a Add On website... this way it will have it's own address... look into the Control Panel Tutorials about how to do an addon website... you will find answers there... Doug


          • #6
            Re: two domains?

            thanks doug, thats worked a treat.

