Changing web address

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  • willows

    • Nov 2006
    • 219

    Changing web address

    Hello everyone,

    I am considering changing my web address to something else. In order to do this can I just amend all of my links and everything that has current to the new or is it more complicated than that? Can I keep the same account with vodahost or do we have to start all over again?
    Thank you kindly, Leanne
  • LadyEye
    General & Forum Moderator

    • Jun 2006
    • 10526

    Re: Changing web address

    Originally posted by willows View Post
    Hello everyone,

    I am considering changing my web address to something else. In order to do this can I just amend all of my links and everything that has current to the new or is it more complicated than that? Can I keep the same account with vodahost or do we have to start all over again?
    Thank you kindly, Leanne

    Hi Leann ...

    You can purchase another domain name, yes. You can't just change it without doing that ..

    You can then just redo your website with all your links ..

    But .. you have already links to your current website in search engine listings, so you don't want to lose that traffic .. so you should do a few things in this regard for as long as you still own the current domain - and that is apply redirects from all of those pages to your new website pages .. if you do this, then when someone clicks on a link found from a search or perhaps anywhere else you have planted it, they will be instantly redirected to your new website .. you would want to redirect all of your current pages as well .. each individually to the new site ..

    As an alternative, you could just purchase this new domain and redirect it to your current website .. might be easier for you ..


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    • willows

      • Nov 2006
      • 219

      Re: Changing web address

      Thank you LadyEye. I am thinking about changing everything I do - meaning doing a different product but rather than having to redo a whole new site I was thinking of just adding new text, images etc but basically amending my current as still like backgrounds etc and just having a new web address. I know it probably sounds silly but getting a little bored with what I have been doing and want to add additional things but still may have small amounts of what I have been doing just not making it the main product anymore. It is only thoughts at the moment but just checking my options first. I am being lazy and just trying to avoid starting from scratch.Will there be additional charges from bluevoda if I do this by getting rid of old domain and doing a new one? I am thinking that all that I will need to do is advise my IP address to domain company, change website information and republish it all. Am I correct in thinking this or is there a lot more to it? I have a gut feeling that new product will do so well that I wont have time to do the old anymore so quite happy to let the other go or just do little amounts. These are all the things I need to do trial runs and access from there.
      Thank you again, Leanne


      • LadyEye
        General & Forum Moderator

        • Jun 2006
        • 10526

        Re: Changing web address

        Hi Leann

        There are no additional charges from voda host for adding another domain to your account ..

        - you will need to purchase your new domain name though ..
        - you will need to point the domain to your voda host servers

        you can have any amount of domains in your one voda host account for the one price providing they all belong to you ..

        - you can change your website over .. but why not, just take one page, make the changes to it with the website urls, links, etc., and then save it as a template and make your other site using that as a beginning page for the new site .. this saves your old site, in case you change your mind, and you can leave that site live until it expires ..

        - this might be good for you, then you can have both for a while ..
        - or you can do it your way .. but I would save your site, but then I am a "keepsakey" type of person and my computer knows it, LOL LOL LOL

        - vodahost - unlimited amount of your own domains in the one voda hosted account - that's awesome eh!! No extra charge! Purchase your domain name only ..



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        • zuriatman

          • Sep 2006
          • 3025

          Re: Changing web address

          Hi Willows,

          Make sure you buy the new domain name from VodaDomains so you can start rightaway.

          If you buy from somewhere else, theres is a mandatory waiting time of 60 days before you can transfer the new domain to VH.

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          • Tom Finley
            Brigadier General

            • Mar 2008
            • 1303

            Re: Changing web address

            If you buy a domain name from someone else, you can point it to vodahost as LadyEye suggests. This can be done immediately without the 60-day wait for a transfer.
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            • aefcolo

              • Jul 2007
              • 12

              Re: Changing web address

              Hello all,
              I'm in the process of doing the same thing, (changing the name of my website) and I followed the instructions in this post: I purchased the new domain name, pointed it to voda host servers, saved a new index page with new links built in and published it successfully. However when I search for the url, I get a "Server Not Found" message. What am I missing?


              (fyi: I'm trying to convert to


              • aefcolo

                • Jul 2007
                • 12

                Re: Changing web address

                Scratch that last question. I had neglected to set up the sub-domain first. I think it's ok now. Thanks anyway!


                • LadyEye
                  General & Forum Moderator

                  • Jun 2006
                  • 10526

                  Re: Changing web address

                  Originally posted by aefcolo View Post
                  Scratch that last question. I had neglected to set up the sub-domain first. I think it's ok now. Thanks anyway!
                  Hi Amy .. that's great, glad you have that sorted .. actually though it would be an add-on domain, as opposed to a sub-domain .. a sub-domain is just a division of one of those main or add on domains .. when you purchase its a domain - when you just sub divide a domain, it's a sub-domain ..

                  but one other thing ..
                  I see you have converted your website over, but now you seem to have the same website on each domain .. not sure if you intend on letting one expire or if the domain name is worth it to you or not, however, if you do intend on keeping both domain names you should consider unpublishing one of them and doing a redirect from your control panel to the other .. the reason you will want to do this, is so that you are not penalized with the search engines as having duplicate websites on two different domain names ..

                  okay .. good luck with everything ..


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