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Change of domain name - same content....

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  • Change of domain name - same content....

    I am currently in the process of changing our business name and so need to change the domain name. The content of the page would remain the same though and I would like to be able to redirect people if they type in the old address.

    Am I making sense?

    So currently our business name is Lerderderg Landscapes ( and we are changing it to Mosaic Landscapes (hopefully with the web address Am I able to change the web address of the business with as little fuss as possible while still getting the traffic from those who still have the old address?

  • #2
    Re: Change of domain name - same content....

    Set up that domian in your control panel as an addon domain

    Republish your old website to this new address making sure all the pages link together with the new domain name.

    Remove the site from your old domain by removing the pages on the server.

    Repoint your old domain to your new one in your control panel.

    Reindex and market your new domain. Once Google have indexed it under the new name then use Google webmaster tools to have Google remove all old url's from the search results.
    Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.

