DNS Server Issues

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  • joyofdance
    Staff Sergeant

    • Mar 2007
    • 41

    DNS Server Issues


    I am having trouble with my DNS Servers pointing to Voda Host and have been having trouble for a considerable amount of time.

    My website is called www.thesecretaffair.com and they should be pointing to the list below that voda host sent me, yet still nothing.

    Nameserver 1: ns1.vodadns.com
    Nameserver 2: ns2.vodadns.com

    Can you provide a tutorial on this please.

    Thank you.
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: Dns servers

    1. You have an improperly installed Member Logon script on the actual www.TheSecretAffair.com website Index page, and it has been there for a very long time in addition to the Redirect you created to a 3rd party "Webcam" Profile Page which apparently is no longer active, so it is "not available" for regular online viewing. You should clean that up first, either by removing the Redirect and replacing the Index page you've already Published (even if it's just a single 'Under Construction' page), or by deciding which Domain you really want to become THE website and changing the Nameserver entries at the Registrar to reflect that choice by changing back to default ("Parked") for whichever Domain is to be 'retired' ...

    2. The Tutorials are very easy to follow for creating an Add-On Domain (if that's what you decide to do): How to create add-domains in cPanel

    3. How to park a domain name in cPanel

    4. When it comes to actually making Nameserver changes, again, the Nameserver Tutorials will prove every bit as invaluable as they are easy to follow.

    HOWEVER ... the easiest way to clear up everything in one swoop is to Submit a Ticket with your request for Support to "RESET your Hosting Account," which basically wipes your Hosting Account of every page and setting, resetting it entirely to "Default" --- just as if it was an all-new Hosting Account. THEN you can take things one step at a time to develop the way it is supposed to be done, without over-complicating things by trying to figure out what you did wrong and tackling things yourself that way ...
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *


    • joyofdance
      Staff Sergeant

      • Mar 2007
      • 41

      Re: Dns servers

      Thank you.

      I will try that.


