i need to transfer the domain to vodahost. it says i need to unlock the domain name, how? appreciated.
how to unlock domain
Re: how to unlock domain
Your hosting co has to send you the username to get into the domain name control panel. That part was confusing.
I just now completed it myself. Little confusing but managed. Your current hosting co sends you the username and password to unlock your domain/manage it. You enter into the control panel and from there you disable the lock process for your domain then submit.
After that is done, you do a quick transfer to (but only after opening a BV domain hosting account, different than the hosting for website) to BV.
It says 72 hours if all goes well. I'll be here with my fingers and toes crossed. On pins and needles actually...
This is 'more than the average bear' can figure out. But, I don't see anyone here helping me in my office and the phones everywhere put you on hold. So, I think I did this correctly. Hope this helped...
Re: how to unlock domain
I'm a little confused too. Vodahost say to call my current hosting company and not to email them but I tried to call them and the answerphone says that they don't take calls and to email them which I have done. I asked them to change some details which they have done but they have so far ignored my request to unlock it. I'm not sure what to do now apart from keep on hassling them via email. Would very much appreciate any advice. Thanks