Emails from myself!!

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  • Jonathan Mark Sharp

    • Sep 2007
    • 17

    Emails from myself!!

    I am wondering if someone can help me please.

    I have created an additional email address which I use to receive emails from the contact form in my website. I did test this and it seemed to work however...I keep on receiving emails entitled "Re: Contact Form Submission" which therefore appear to originate from the Contact Form but are coming from my own email address.

    I have now had 20 or so such emails and I am concerned I am missing enquiries from the site.

    Any help in solving this would be greatly appreciated.
  • Andy128
    Major General

    • Dec 2005
    • 2317

    Re: Emails from myself!!

    Can you please post the form URL and then cut and paste in this thread, the php code that you are using to process your form.

    PHP- is a blast!


    • Jonathan Mark Sharp

      • Sep 2007
      • 17

      Re: Emails from myself!!


      Hi. Thanks for your help.

      The URL of the contact form is:

      The code from the action file is as follows:

      <!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
      <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">
      <title>Thank You</title>
      <meta http-equiv="Page-Enter" content="blendTrans(Duration=0)">
      <meta name="GENERATOR" content="Created by BlueVoda">
      <script type="text/javascript">
      function SwapImage()
      var doc=document, args=arguments;
      doc.$imgSwaps = new Array();
      for(var i=2; i<args.length; i+=2)
      var elem=FindObject(args[i]);
      // -->
      <script type="text/javascript">
      function FindObject(id, doc)
      var child, elem;
      return elem;
      if( ||
      return doc;
      for(var i=0; i<child.length; i++)
      return elem;
      var frm=doc.forms;
      for(var i=0; i<frm.length; i++)
      var elems=frm[i].elements;
      for(var j=0; j<elems.length; j++)
      if(elem) return elem;
      return null;
      // -->
      <body bgcolor="#FFFFFF" text="#000000" style="scrollbar-face-color:#F0F0F0;scrollbar-arrow-color:#000000;scrollbar-3dlight-color:#193A59;scrollbar-darkshadow-color:#696969;scrollbar-highlight-color:#AAB5C0;scrollbar-shadow-color:#A0A0A0;scrollbar-track-color:#DFDFF9;">
      $mailto = "";
      $email = $HTTP_POST_VARS['email'];
      if ($email == "") {
      $email = $mailto;
      $mailsubj = "Contact Form Submission";
      $mailhead = "From: $email\n";
      reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
      $mailbody = "Submitted from Contact Submission Form :\n";
      while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS))
      if ($key!="submit")
      $mailbody .= "$key : $val\n";
      mail($mailto, $mailsubj, $mailbody, $mailhead);
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      <div id="bv_" style="position:absolute;left:419px;top:241px;widt h:393px;height:179px;z-index:7" align="center">
      <font style="font-size:21px;BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFFFF" color="#193A59" face="Verdana"><b>Thank you for your message!<br>
      </font><font style="font-size:16px;BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFFFF" color="#193A59" face="Verdana"><br>
      </font><font style="font-size:19px;BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFFFF" color="#193A59" face="Verdana">Your query will be dealt with as soon as possible and I will get back to you shortly</font><font style="font-size:16px;BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFFFF" color="#193A59" face="Verdana">.<br>
      </font><font style="font-size:13px;BACKGROUND-COLOR:#FFFFFF" color="#193A59" face="Verdana"></b><br>


      • Andy128
        Major General

        • Dec 2005
        • 2317

        Re: Emails from myself!!

        Remember, the code as written puts your e-mail address in the e-mail address slot if the person filling out the form does not put THEIR e-mail address in the form. Threrefore, if someone simply hits submit, you will receive an email that says it is from your e-mail and it will be blank (if they don't fill in any fields).

        Could that be the problem?

        As it looks- the form and php script are ok.

        PHP- is a blast!


        • Jonathan Mark Sharp

          • Sep 2007
          • 17

          Re: Emails from myself!!


          Thanks for the advice.

          It is kind of curious that people would hit submit without entering any data... if this is correct at least it looks like we are not missing out on important emails.

          Is there a way of changing the script so that if they hit the submit button without their email and/or text that it provides an error message AND doesn't send a "false" email? The php file was not part of the ABVFP v2 would using this sort it out?




          • Andy128
            Major General

            • Dec 2005
            • 2317

            Re: Emails from myself!!

            Bots are programed to surf the net and pick out vulnerable forms. They will often do false submissions or your received e-mail will contain a bunch of garbled **** as a message or input. And yes- even individuals will hit submit just for the heck of it.

            Yes to both. You can set it up that he e-mail field is mandatory in the field properties of the form (as well as any other field for that matter). I am not at my home computer so I cannot give specific instructions as to what to check in the field properties- but I believe that it is fairly self explanitory.

            Yes- using ABVFP will give you options to further customize your form and protect it from false submissions as well as from form injection attacks (which are very common).

            I would suggest the first solution above to implemented now and then download and try the ABVFP on a TEST form. In this manner, you will not create any down time for your current form. If when you get the ABVFP all worked out- simply replace your existing form.

            PHP- is a blast!


            • Jonathan Mark Sharp

              • Sep 2007
              • 17

              Re: Emails from myself!!


              Thanks so much for your help.

              I have tried to find the place in the form properties to make the email a compulsory field but can't find it so would appreciate your advice when you can get round to it please.

              The form currently has the email field marked with an asterix to denote it is a mandatory field but I presume that this of itself is not enough to make it mandatory.

              I will explore the BVAFP but will need a little time to get my head round that I think, so will need a short term fix.

              Best Regards,



              • Marincky

                • Apr 2006
                • 4539

                Re: Emails from myself!!

                I learnt something from George (Naval) the other day. If someone visits the 'action' page, i.e the page that the person filling in the form is taken to, this will automatically submit a blank form to you. It's more likely this than someone just hitting your submit button.
                Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.


                • Andy128
                  Major General

                  • Dec 2005
                  • 2317

                  Re: Emails from myself!!

                  Jonathan- I will give it a look when I return home tonight.

                  PHP- is a blast!


                  • Supermax
                    Master Sergeant

                    • Oct 2007
                    • 69

                    Re: Emails from myself!!

                    Originally posted by Marincky View Post
                    I learnt something from George (Naval) the other day. If someone visits the 'action' page, i.e the page that the person filling in the form is taken to, this will automatically submit a blank form to you. It's more likely this than someone just hitting your submit button.
                    I think George (Naval) made a simple code you put infront of the tag and then you wont get thoose blanc emails.
                    I just can`t find the post he wrote.
                    I don`t speak English,i speak Swedish.If you don`t understand my English you can ask me.


                    • Andy128
                      Major General

                      • Dec 2005
                      • 2317

                      Re: Emails from myself!!

                      On the field that you want required- double click to get properties. Then in the top row, choose the validate tab. Then start setting the criteria that you want for that field.

                      Data Type can be - No Constraints, Text, Number or E-Mail address

                      PUT A CHECK IN THE CUSTOM MESSAGE

                      In the error message- Type in what you desire to say about that message. Example: " Please type in your Name in order to submit this form"

                      PUT a check in DATA REQUIRED- that will make the field required and trigger the checks that you are setting up as well as the error message.

                      In the next fields you can even specify the text and number formats and lengths.

                      Save and publish.

                      PHP- is a blast!


                      • Jonathan Mark Sharp

                        • Sep 2007
                        • 17

                        Re: Emails from myself!!


                        thanks for the advice. I have made the changes and tested the error messages which appear to be working fine.




                        • Jonathan Mark Sharp

                          • Sep 2007
                          • 17

                          Re: Emails from myself!!


                          It has happened again - another email from my own account to myself.

                          Having done all of the above as you suggested (which I have tested and seems ok) I am now even more confused as to how I am getting these!



                          • Andy128
                            Major General

                            • Dec 2005
                            • 2317

                            Re: Emails from myself!!

                            I have sent you a test in your form. If there are 3 or more that have test in all the fields- please post back and let me know.

                            PHP- is a blast!


                            • Jonathan Mark Sharp

                              • Sep 2007
                              • 17

                              Re: Emails from myself!!


                              I have received one email that I presume is from you with "test" in the fields. Following that I had another four apparently received from myself all at 8.24 GMT only seconds after your email. The subsequent emails had nothing in the fields though

                              This is really getting quite strange...!



