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Yes I have a BV account. I have created 3 separate email accounts. I want them to link with Windows Live, but I must be missing a setting somewhere. Two of the email accounts are to recieve form information, the other is simply a contact email account. I have been playing with the contact email account by sending a test email to it. I can recieve it when I connect to the server, but there must be a problem when Windows Live Mail connects to the server.
I am pretty sure I have all the settings correct, but when I connect to the server via Windows Live says there are no messages, when there definitely are because I have sent test messages from a different email account. Strange!
Ok, just done a quick test. I can send mail to another email address using my site's contact email in Windows Live mail...but I cannot recieve a reply. WHY!!!???!!!
You dont have any FORWARDERS installed in your attempt to set it up? Cuz that will really messup the works... you have to actually go to the forward area to delete them.. deleting the account wont do it.
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Yeah I am getting mail in CPanel, but it would be easier for me to access it from Windows Live Mail. It is just for convenience, but as you know...convenience is time and time as they say is money.