hyperlink to email

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  • djwedding

    • Mar 2013
    • 1

    hyperlink to email

    I am not sure why when i hyper link the words "email dj pauly" or try to hyperlink a jpeg of an email icon it will not let people click on it and open to an email? for example if i hyper link a linkedIn logo to my linkedIn page it works fine, but if i hyperlink my email to a email icon jpeg it says error 404 and when i link it, i use the mail to and my address. Can someone let me know what I am doing wrong, Thank you very much.
    Here is an example of what i have up(i took the email jpg off but would like to put it back on)

    when you click on the hyperlink that says email dj wedding bells it goes to error 404
  • Vasili

    • Mar 2006
    • 14683

    Re: hyperlink to email

    You do not understand the Logic of the EMAIL FORM as both convenience and security, and cannot see the redundancy of your request. The primary purpose of the FORM is to provide universal of access to visitors to facilitate email engagement despite whatever computer OS system they are using, and to provide greater security to the site by not displaying any email address that can be scoured and distributed for malicious purposes. Since the "mailto" method depends on Users having a PC system with Outlook software to process the email (and those emails may languish in the Outbox forever if the User does not regularly use Outlook), having this option presented with a Form serves no purpose whatsoever, and simply telegraphs a misunderstanding that would best be left off completely.

    However, to answer you original question:

    1. You have not created a page with an email FORM on it, so when you try to Hyperlink it using HTTP you get the "404" (no page found): create a page with a FORM on it that should include the CAPTCHA and the required SUCCESS page that will follow as confirmation of successfully submitted page. Publish both pages, and use the CONTACT page URL to HTTP Hyperlink you image.

    2. If you wish to open the Email Client function by a hyperlink associated with an image, simply change the TYPE of Hyperlink from the Drop-Down menu in the HYPERLINK DIALOG from "http" to "mailto" ..... that being said, be aware that this is by far the least preferred method of creating Email Function for visitors, as any email created using this method will only be sent according to the following conditions: A. The visitor is using a PC system that is Windows based and has Outlook software defaulted to the system and not using an Ap ple or any other iOS system; B. The User actually Uses Outlook for email processing, and will therefore normally open the software to allow Outlook to "send" your email that is waiting in the Outbox.

    The whole reason CAPTCHA was developed and is considered to be a minimum standard in web design is that it allows web designers the security to prevent automated scripts from spamming the site or using the textually displayed email address (which if shown can be scoured and sold to other Spammers) to Spoof the site's server and to send out Spam using the server resources that have been compromised: using the "mailto" method is setting yourself up for major failure, so it is best to create a CONTACT page with the SUCCESS page just as the tutorials outline, and THEN use the page URL to link to your image normally!
    . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
    * Success Is Potential Realized *

