EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

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  • ez-ez
    Special Status

    • Mar 2006
    • 1329

    Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

    Originally posted by teroleague
    EZ I have a video in, but is fron my news botton.
    check it out. http://www.gabrielteran.com/news.html


    Ps: works well in Internet Explore, not in Mozilla
    Hi Gabriel..

    Lets check progress..

    I understand, from what I see that you are working on your video pages now.. Great.. carry on... create all your video pages with QuickTime embeded in them.. I am assuming you are telling quicktime to do what you want it to do (ie, auto start.. control button.. etc).

    Once your video pages are all done, you and I can work on linking them to your main video page, the one with the images. I can see that you have done part of it and it looks good.

    Now, your domain name is pointed correctly now.. It appears that there was a propegation period that the domain name had to be pointed to VH servers.. Not to worry, it's all good now.

    Let me know when the video pages are done.

    One other thing: when the time comes, we need to discuss how you want those pages displayed, normal browser or popup.. and we need to go through the advanatages and disadvantages of popups.

    Great work mate..



    • teroleague

      Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

      Thanks again.......
      Your name is Carlos???? Are you Spanish????

      Now.....I'm running through some problems right now but when all my pages are done I will come back to you for help. Thanks man.

      Still I can't see my site so I'm going through tutorials and help from other nice people like you.

      I'm deleting cockies, refreshing, and much more but still I can't see my site. I know other members can see it cause they told me so.

      I'll keep going digging in and find anwers...



      • teroleague

        Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

        Originally posted by ez-ez
        Hi Gabriel..

        Lets check progress..

        I understand, from what I see that you are working on your video pages now.. Great.. carry on... create all your video pages with QuickTime embeded in them.. I am assuming you are telling quicktime to do what you want it to do (ie, auto start.. control button.. etc).

        Once your video pages are all done, you and I can work on linking them to your main video page, the one with the images. I can see that you have done part of it and it looks good.

        Now, your domain name is pointed correctly now.. It appears that there was a propegation period that the domain name had to be pointed to VH servers.. Not to worry, it's all good now.

        Let me know when the video pages are done.

        One other thing: when the time comes, we need to discuss how you want those pages displayed, normal browser or popup.. and we need to go through the advanatages and disadvantages of popups.

        Great work mate..


        EZ....My video pages are done, I only have to link them.
        I'm going to need you for this one please.



        • ez-ez
          Special Status

          • Mar 2006
          • 1329

          Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

          No problem Gabriel..

          Couple of question:

          1. Do your videos play automatically when the page is opened..?
          2. Do all video clip pages look identical..?
          3. Can you give me a link to one of those pages so I can have a look..?
          4. Do you want 'next/previous' navigation buttons..?
          5. You can go ahead and create the main video page.. add all images as we can link them at any time.

          This will help us whether it is best to use a full browser of popup.


          • teroleague

            Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

            Originally posted by ez-ez
            No problem Gabriel..

            Couple of question:

            1. Do your videos play automatically when the page is opened..?
            2. Do all video clip pages look identical..?
            3. Can you give me a link to one of those pages so I can have a look..?
            4. Do you want 'next/previous' navigation buttons..?
            5. You can go ahead and create the main video page.. add all images as we can link them at any time.

            This will help us whether it is best to use a full browser of popup.
            1. Yes, they play automaticly.
            3.??? www.gabrielteran.com/videos/video_1.html
            4.I don't think is necessary
            5. www.gabrielteran.com/videos.html

            I will be out most of the day(SUNDAY), but I will came back later, kind of 8pm.... I hope you're around.

            Thanks EZ



            • ez-ez
              Special Status

              • Mar 2006
              • 1329

              Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help



              This page doesn't work.


              • teroleague

                Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                Originally posted by ez-ez


                This page doesn't work.
                I'm publishing that page right now, I hope it works.

                The pages will look like my News page. Idex on top and A quicktime under.



                • ez-ez
                  Special Status

                  • Mar 2006
                  • 1329

                  Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                  No worries.. you see, linking to these pages is as simple as one step.. but I'm trying to look at the creative side of things.. for example, if there are other elements on the page, like navigation menus, other articles and stuff like that, then it is best that the page be left as a full browser.. if the page contains only the video player, then may be you want to consider a popup.. but as I said before, linking to the page is a nothing task.

                  (In case of popups, special scripting is required. The popup script will tell the browser how big is the popup, where to position it on the screen when it opens, whether to have scroll bars on it and whether it would let the viewer resize it.)

                  One thing to remember about popups, the script you employ to create popups may not be used on some computers, in which case, the viewer will not be able to have a popup open, also, many people use popup killers that wont let them open. Obviously, you would want to make a little explanation on your main video page saying: 'Please enable the popup feature in order to view these videos'.

                  So, lets decide on whether we want a full browser or a popup.


                  • teroleague

                    Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                    Originally posted by ez-ez
                    No worries.. you see, linking to these pages is as simple as one step.. but I'm trying to look at the creative side of things.. for example, if there are other elements on the page, like navigation menus, other articles and stuff like that, then it is best that the page be left as a full browser.. if the page contains only the video player, then may be you want to consider a popup.. but as I said before, linking to the page is a nothing task.

                    (In case of popups, special scripting is required. The popup script will tell the browser how big is the popup, where to position it on the screen when it opens, whether to have scroll bars on it and whether it would let the viewer resize it.)

                    One thing to remember about popups, the script you employ to create popups may not be used on some computers, in which case, the viewer will not be able to have a popup open, also, many people use popup killers that wont let them open. Obviously, you would want to make a little explanation on your main video page saying: 'Please enable the popup feature in order to view these videos'.

                    So, lets decide on whether we want a full browser or a popup.
                    hey man>..I'm leaving on half hour....

                    The elemntes on the page are the Navigation menu(Home,About, Bio, News, Videos, etc). Then in the middle a Quicktime. That's it. So on the videos page, click a picture and then takes you to that page...video_1

                    I think is better full browser, so the viewer doesn't have to work. Only open the page and the video will start.....

                    What do you think????

                    So you know What I did.....

                    I did with BV many pages, the video ones are all the same and save as video_1, video_2, video_3 and so on.

                    So on the videos page, I linked the first picture to www.gabrielteran.com/videos/video_1.html the second picture to www.gabrielteran.com/videos/video_2.html and so on.....

                    Now I do not have wher to link the page I did "video_1 to the first picture or videos Page.


                    • ez-ez
                      Special Status

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 1329

                      Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                      Good work Gabriel..

                      Linking the images to the pages is simple, in BlueVoda:

                      1. Right click the image,
                      2. Select 'Properties'
                      3. In the properties dialogue box, you will notice 2 tabs, 'General' and 'Link'
                      4. In the General tab, you will notice a 'Alternate Text' Input field.. That input activiates a little yellow box containing preliminary description of the topic when the mouse is pointed over the image. Add a brief description of what your video related to that image is about.
                      5. Now go to the 'Link' Tab, in that tab you will notice a few input fields..

                      a. in the 'Link Type' select 'http:'
                      b. In the 'URL' field type the exact url address to which you want that mage to take the visitor.. Note that url is case sensitive, also, you must include the file extension, example: http://www.gabrielteran.com/vidoes/video_1.html.
                      c. In the target input, you can chose between 'blank' or 'self'.. Blank means that the page will open in a new browser.. 'self' will open the page in the same broswer (visitors can always return to the previous page by click the 'back' button on their browser.
                      d. click ok.

                      That's it.. do the same with every image.. now your images are linked to the pages that contain the videos that play automatically.

                      Let me know your progress.



                      • teroleague

                        Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                        Hey Ez....I'm back. I read what you told me and I did watched the tutorials.... My issue now is with the Alternate Text???? What do I type there???? like "video_1"


                        "That input activiates a little yellow box containing preliminary description of the topic" Do I see That????? cause I don't see any yellow????


                        • teroleague

                          Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                          I do see now the little yellow box in preview mode. In Alternate Text I type the title of the song....

                          But I can't see the page yet.



                          • ez-ez
                            Special Status

                            • Mar 2006
                            • 1329

                            Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                            You can't see the page after you liunked it and after you click on it..??


                            • ez-ez
                              Special Status

                              • Mar 2006
                              • 1329

                              Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                              Gabriel.. lets keep this issue in this thread..

                              Ok.. So you followed the instructions and linked the images.. but when you click the images, nothing happens..??.. or, what happens..??


                              • ez-ez
                                Special Status

                                • Mar 2006
                                • 1329

                                Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                                Gabriel.. lets keep this issue in this thread..

                                Ok.. So you followed the instructions and linked the images.. but when you click the images, nothing happens..??.. or, what happens..?? If it comes up with an error page, can you tell me the type of error, and even better, can you tell me what appears in the address bar..?

