Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help
Hi Gabriel..
Lets check progress..
I understand, from what I see that you are working on your video pages now.. Great.. carry on... create all your video pages with QuickTime embeded in them.. I am assuming you are telling quicktime to do what you want it to do (ie, auto start.. control button.. etc).
Once your video pages are all done, you and I can work on linking them to your main video page, the one with the images. I can see that you have done part of it and it looks good.
Now, your domain name is pointed correctly now.. It appears that there was a propegation period that the domain name had to be pointed to VH servers.. Not to worry, it's all good now.
Let me know when the video pages are done.
One other thing: when the time comes, we need to discuss how you want those pages displayed, normal browser or popup.. and we need to go through the advanatages and disadvantages of popups.
Great work mate..
Originally posted by teroleague
Lets check progress..
I understand, from what I see that you are working on your video pages now.. Great.. carry on... create all your video pages with QuickTime embeded in them.. I am assuming you are telling quicktime to do what you want it to do (ie, auto start.. control button.. etc).
Once your video pages are all done, you and I can work on linking them to your main video page, the one with the images. I can see that you have done part of it and it looks good.
Now, your domain name is pointed correctly now.. It appears that there was a propegation period that the domain name had to be pointed to VH servers.. Not to worry, it's all good now.
Let me know when the video pages are done.
One other thing: when the time comes, we need to discuss how you want those pages displayed, normal browser or popup.. and we need to go through the advanatages and disadvantages of popups.
Great work mate..