EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

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  • teroleague

    EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

    Hey Ez.....I heard you're the man and I need help from the man.

    I'm working on my pages, so far I published 2, tha main index and biography. www.gabrielteran.com .

    I'm a director and I want to put Quicktimes in my videos page. I went through the tutorials and that's fine but.........
    I'm putting on my videos page, a small picture of of each video and I want to click on A Picture and that will open another page with the respective video 320x240. Now.... How do I link the picture to another page opening the Quick time????????

  • ez-ez
    Special Status

    • Mar 2006
    • 1329

    Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

    Hi Gabriel..

    I don't know who told you I am the man, but they give me more credit than I deserve.

    Not to worry mate.. your task is easy, I will prepare something for you and get back on here to have full instructions that you can follow. But essentially, this is how it will work:

    First we add the images to your video pages.
    We link those image just like linking any other image to a page that contains the Quicktime PLayer.. But, we will tell the link to open that page is a little popup that has no scroll bars or menus.. we can also add buttons to it so that the person can move to the next or previous video without having to return to the main video pages.. I am assuming thats what you want... right..?


    • teroleague

      Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

      Thanks for the replay.

      About..."We link those image just like linking any other image to a page that contains the Quicktime PLayer.."

      Yes.... I want to click on the picture of the video page, and then it will open another page with the quicktime. I understand that but.......I'm kind of lost here.... cause how do I link the picture to the Quicktime? and How do I name the Quicktime page? cause I will put in my video Page 6 small pictures and you will click on any an it will take you to the respective video.

      Thanks for your help man.

      PS: Check my 1 minute short at this link http://www.newyorkminutefilmfestival...m.mov&offset=0


      • ez-ez
        Special Status

        • Mar 2006
        • 1329

        Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

        Originally posted by teroleague
        Thanks for the replay.

        About..."We link those image just like linking any other image to a page that contains the Quicktime PLayer.."

        Yes.... I want to click on the picture of the video page, and then it will open another page with the quicktime. I understand that but.......I'm kind of lost here.... cause how do I link the picture to the Quicktime? and How do I name the Quicktime page? cause I will put in my video Page 6 small pictures and you will click on any an it will take you to the respective video.

        Thanks for your help man.

        PS: Check my 1 minute short at this link http://www.newyorkminutefilmfestival...m.mov&offset=0
        G'day Gabriel..

        I honestly like your website very much.. you've done an outstanding job.

        Now.. your question: There are 2 ways you can have multiple video files playing. The first: playing all your files in the one player.. and this is very easy with media player.. the player takes it's clips from something we call 'PlayList'..
        The second: multiple 'on call' files.. which is perhaps simpler in your case, no offence, but I would class PlayLists as 'Medium Level" skill and unless you are familiar with scripting for Media PLayer you might find it a little involved. Having said that, we can always help if you insist to have it that way. But, In your case, this is what I would do: Place the images on the videos page, then link those images to different pages, example: image_1 linked to http://mysite/myvideos/video_1.htm.. Now.. your image when linked it will take the visitor to the video_1.htm page, right..? sounds straight forward, well.. it is.. on the page video_1.htm, we will put the quicktime or media player, and tell it to play automatically everytime the page is opened.. Again, we can tell that page to be just like a normal full broweser page, or we can make it a popup.. we can add buttons to it and we can treat it just like any other page where we can perhaps add more images or navigation or whatever you want.. Alternatively, we can just leave it blank with he video playing and no other content.. is that the kind of thing you want..?


        • teroleague

          Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

          Hey Ez....Thanks.

          About.... "But, In your case, this is what I would do: Place the images on the videos page, then link those images to different pages, example: image_1 linked to http://mysite/myvideos/video_1.htm.. Now.. your image when linked it will take the visitor to the video_1.htm page, right..? sounds straight forward, well.. it is.. on the page video_1.htm, we will put the quicktime or media player, and tell it to play automatically everytime the page is opened.."

          Yes that's correct but my problem start here... How do I create and save these pages. A mean video_1.html ,video_2.html, and so on, cause I know how to create and save a page but I create my links with the Navigation Bar, But I don't want to create a Navigation Bar Botton for each video so...how do I link it.

          I'm not sure how to explain this. Shoosh.
          If I click on a picture I see the General and Link window. On the link window what would I type in my URL www.gabrielteran.com/video/video_1.html ????


          I will do Now a video page and see if you can see it.


          • ez-ez
            Special Status

            • Mar 2006
            • 1329

            Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

            Originally posted by teroleague
            Hey Ez....Thanks.

            About.... "But, In your case, this is what I would do: Place the images on the videos page, then link those images to different pages, example: image_1 linked to http://mysite/myvideos/video_1.htm.. Now.. your image when linked it will take the visitor to the video_1.htm page, right..? sounds straight forward, well.. it is.. on the page video_1.htm, we will put the quicktime or media player, and tell it to play automatically everytime the page is opened.."

            Yes that's correct but my problem start here... How do I create and save these pages. A mean video_1.html ,video_2.html, and so on, cause I know how to create and save a page but I create my links with the Navigation Bar, But I don't want to create a Navigation Bar Botton for each video so...how do I link it.

            I'm not sure how to explain this. Shoosh.
            If I click on a picture I see the General and Link window. On the link window what would I type in my URL www.gabrielteran.com/video/video_1.html ????


            I will do Now a video page and see if you can see it.
            It's all good Gabriel.. Just confirm to me if what you want is something like this: http://adsenseprojetc.com/movies.htm


            • teroleague

              Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

              Originally posted by ez-ez
              It's all good Gabriel.. Just confirm to me if what you want is something like this: http://adsenseprojetc.com/movies.htm
              Hey, I did try that site on IE and Mozilla but doesn't work.

              Now....I do not know why I can't see my site on the net. Yesterday was fine but today says Coming Soon. Can you see my site????


              • ez-ez
                Special Status

                • Mar 2006
                • 1329

                Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                My page works fine.. it was downloading the movie clips and you probably didn't wait for it to finish.. but that's cool..

                About your site.. it is not there anymore... I'm wondering if it's hijacked.


                • teroleague

                  Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                  I did wait for the site you told me and It tells me "Internet Explorer cannot display the webpage".

                  About my site...I can see it now. Still i'm dealing with video but as soon is on I tell you.


                  • teroleague

                    Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                    Ez.....please if you can....go here to se my video page

                    Now....I'm only testing one video, the first one, press in the picture of Karl Mohr......and.......NOTHING.

                    I did publish the page http://www.gabrielteran.com/videos/video_1.html
                    But so far I can't see it.



                    • ez-ez
                      Special Status

                      • Mar 2006
                      • 1329

                      Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                      I'm still getting the parked domain page.. that's strange because I could see your page last night.


                      • teroleague

                        Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                        I do not know what is going on here.




                        • ez-ez
                          Special Status

                          • Mar 2006
                          • 1329

                          Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                          Gabriel.. are you hosting with Voda or someone else..??


                          • teroleague

                            Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                            With Voda


                            • teroleague

                              Re: EZ EZ...Where are You? Quicktime Help

                              EZ I have a video in, but is fron my news botton.
                              check it out. http://www.gabrielteran.com/news.html


                              Ps: works well in Internet Explore, not in Mozilla

