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I don't believe that can be done . You can , however, publish
the page and send them the link to the .html file so they can view it.
in that case, it doesn't have to be index since you don't want it open
to the public, just save it as another name (i.e. testpage1 with the
For example, look at my 'work in progress' below (2nd link).
1) First of all the other person must have bluevoda installed on their computer. Make sure they do this as a first step before you send them anything.
2) In your MyDocuments folder there is a folder called Bluevoda, zip this entire folder "as is" and send it to your friend.
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia
1) First of all the other person must have bluevoda installed on their computer. Make sure they do this as a first step before you send them anything.
2) In your MyDocuments folder there is a folder called Bluevoda, zip this entire folder "as is" and send it to your friend.
This is good to know, if you can do this, and the other person does have blue voda installed on their computer, can they make changes on the page and then republish it from that computer too if they are supplies with the ip and password, etc. ??
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia
The problem I have with that Ladyeye (love the avatar!)
is that my pictures are all linked to 'mypictures' folder on my
base computer. I should've thought of that early on and put them
into the bv folder before publishing. If I move the zip, the second
computer would'nt be able to link the pics.
This is good to know, if you can do this, and the other person does have blue voda installed on their computer, can they make changes on the page and then republish it from that computer too if they are supplies with the ip and password, etc. ??
Yes, they can also use your cpanel etc, so be careful to whom you give
your details to.