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Ty for your response. I have published the home page as INDEX I have saved and published other pages, no spelling errors all correct
where do I go to find the website? thx
The page you published as index - you called it index in all small letters - with nothing else, correct? Sorry to keep harping on this - but this is the biggest and most common mistake - and as Bill said - what other pages have you published - give us the complete url and we can check them.
Hi Bethers and Bill.... Thanks for trying to help. This is a list of how I named my pages and the way I published them. I had tried to establish a webpage with Homestead but was unsuccessful. It was too difficult and they kept calling me on the phone, becoming quite annoying. that site was Would have liked to use that at BV but wasn't sure how to transfer it...Not to bother anyway, ".org" is fine.
That said, I can't find you anywhere - when you name the page - you aren't putting the full line in are you? you should only be putting in the part after the / and before the .html - it knows how to do the rest.
I'm a little confused about you having a .org name - as it looks like this is a sales site - people might not find you with .org - those have a different meaning and are meant to be used differently. If you have the .com name, you should move it over or have it pointed to voda and use it that way.
Somehow, Mindy, I think it still falls on how you are naming the pages - like where did you get to put blue voda into the name at all? Shouldn't be there -
You could submit a support ticket and they should be able to look in your back end and see what you've done - unfortunately, I thought I'd be able to find some of your interior pages, but I can't - not sure how you did this.
After making those changes, did you re-publish each page? And I suggest you just do a couple pages until we have figured out for sure what you're doing wrong! I'm still getting page can't be found.
Thanks for your response to my dilemma... I've developed the art of patience since i became a computer granny.
Just an aside. Checked out your website and wanted you to know that firstly its great and secondly, I used to be a folksinger. I joined the Rooftop Singers (Walk Right In) after the demise of their girl singer,lynne taylor. My name then was Mindy Stuart. Nice to know there are still others out there interested in the genre.
Hi Bethers, I resaved and republished each page... I'll give it some time and If I don't see anything by late afternoon, I'll just republish the index page and see what happens.
Thanks the way, I love your hat :)))
Thanks Mindy - and you should be able to see the page immediately after publishing - if the nameservers are correct and you get a success - you are publishing to the correct ip address?