Need a flash expert please

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  • Debi

    • Dec 2006
    • 235

    Need a flash expert please

    I went to view/ source from my preview page to change the HTML to what will (I hope) make my flash shows work, but it won't save the new code there. So I have saved the new code in notepad. Can anyone tell me pls how to get the new code into that page? Found the code information I needed on the web, but don't know what to do with it now.
    There has to be a way to edit html code in Blue Voda.
    Sorry to be so persistent, but these flash demos are imperative to my site.
    The only thing that shows on the page is the opening frame.

    I hope I am asking the question in a way for others to understand what I need.
    motoxxx told me about someone named Jeremy, but there are several Jeremys in the forum! Have tried contacting Sadian per Vasili, but no answer yet. VH support referred me back to the forum.
    I would be very grateful for any help. This CANNOT be that hard! I am missing something very simple here...

  • Debi

    • Dec 2006
    • 235

    Re: Need a flash expert please

    OMG!!!!! I got it!!!!! Came across a post by Dayjack...You have to add the flv file as well as swf file to FTP! Then load the plug in.
    Dayjack, what can I do for you? A new car? A new house? A college fund for the kids? Thank You So Much!
    Now, anyone know how to get rid of the "empty" box that shows where the plug in sits?


    • Debi

      • Dec 2006
      • 235

      Re: Need a flash expert please

      OH!OH! Spoke too soon...perfect in the prewiew, not so good online. Breaks up, stops and starts, controls show, but visual doesn't on two of them.
      Guess I still need help....Anyone?


      • Sadain

        • Mar 2006
        • 438

        Re: Need a flash expert please

        In your flash soft there should be a place where it states hid controls,,,,

        Your site is having major problems I went to your flash demo page and my IE crashed!


        • Sadain

          • Mar 2006
          • 438

          Re: Need a flash expert please

          also, once you get the flash uploaded and fixed you must clean out your browser cache or it will play the previous flash file it downloaded from your sight,,,,


          • Sadain

            • Mar 2006
            • 438

            Re: Need a flash expert please

            looking at your source code the reason your flash is viewed at a lower quality is because you have the flash properties in BV set to LOW QUALITY you can change this by double clicking on the flash file in BV and setiing the quality higher

            The problem with your page is not BV its the flash file, you should contact the software people of your flash program and find out exactly what is wrong.

            your source code:

            <DIV style="position:absolute;left:516px;top:421px;widt h:248px;height:189px;z-index:10" align="left">
            <OBJECT classid="clsid:D27CDB6E-AE6D-11cf-96B8-444553540000"
            codebase=",0,0,0" width="248" height="189">
            <PARAM name="movie" value="Tropical Vacation Web.swf">
            <PARAM name="quality" value="Low">
            <PARAM name="scale" value="NoBorder">
            <PARAM name="wmode" value="Transparent">
            <PARAM name="play" value="true">
            <PARAM name="loop" value="false">
            <PARAM name="menu" value="false">
            <PARAM name="sAlign" value="L">
            <EMBED src="Tropical Vacation Web.swf" width="248" height="189" quality="Low" wmode="Transparent" loop="false" play="true" menu="false" scale="NoBorder" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" pluginspace="">


            • Debi

              • Dec 2006
              • 235

              Re: Need a flash expert please

              Thank You! I will do that now! Sorry about the crash....I set the quality to low because it took so long to publish & load. I thought that the high quality setting was the problem. Also considering the possibility I do not have the plug in set correctly.
              I'm grateful for your help, Sadain. Vasili says you are awesome w/ this!


              • Debi

                • Dec 2006
                • 235

                Re: Need a flash expert please

                I want to explore the plug in issue here for a bit, can't find any info yet on the forum, or in the tutorials. What to do with:
                Plugin space
                I left those blank when I put the plugins in. :) Could be my problem?
                Hope to hear from you.


                • Sadain

                  • Mar 2006
                  • 438

                  Re: Need a flash expert please

                  I don't know what you mean about plugin... my flash software creates a single flash file with pics and sound condensed into the file... the reason your flash takes so long to load is probably the sound in it...

                  please post a link to the Flash Software you are useing so I can help you further.


                  • Debi

                    • Dec 2006
                    • 235

                    Re: Need a flash expert please

                    Thanks, The flash slideshows didn't work at all until I added plugins to the page, one for each show. Now they run perfectly on the preview browser, but not when I pull up my website. I had read in on the forum when searching for answers, to save both flv and swf files to FTP, then to insert a plugin into the page. Until I did that, I couldn't get anything at all.
                    The Flash software is Pro Show Gold, newest version. There is no link when I pull up the program, it's not an online program, but a download. This is what their Help says:
                    Placing Shows on your Website

                    The Create Flash feature in ProShow Gold lets you create a streaming Flash movie that you can add to your own web site. You also have the options to generate a complete web page to add to your website. To use these features, you will need the following:
                    • <LI class=kadov-p>Your own website,
                      <LI class=kadov-p>Access to your server to upload files, and
                    • Ability to write and edit HTML.
                    The HTML on your page must be properly configured and the Flash show must be uploaded to your web server for it to play properly.
                    Adding a Flash show to a web page requires adding a few lines of custom HTML and JavaScript code. You must be familiar with these technologies to use a Flash show. If you are using a visual editor to create your website, you must be able to edit the source code of your web page directly. You cannot use the visual editing features in those programs to add a Flash show.
                    To Add a Web Show to Your Website:
                    1. <LI class=kadov-p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Create the Flash show by clicking Create in the Create Flash Show dialog.
                      <LI class=kadov-p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Upload the Flash show to your web server using FTP.
                      <LI class=kadov-p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Click < View HTML > in the Create Flash Show dialog to generate the code.
                    2. Add the HTML and JavaScript code to your web page. Edit the HTML code as necessary.
                    To Add a Created Page to your Website:
                    1. <LI class=kadov-p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">In the Create Flash dialog, click the Output Options icon.
                      <LI class=kadov-p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">In the Flash Options section, check the box next to Create Web Page.
                      <LI class=kadov-p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">Click < Create >.
                      <LI class=kadov-p style="FONT-SIZE: 10pt">The file containing the new web page will be saved to the same folder as your web show.
                    2. Upload the Flash show and the generated web page to your web server using FTP. Edit the HTML code as necessary.
                    I beleive I have the proper edit for the source code (maybe), but no idea how to get it in there. It may be all that's needed is to eliminate spaces between the words in my swf file name. Again, perfect in the preview browser....

                    Stumped on the flash thing, so working on improving the look of my site :)
                    Thanks so much


                    • Debi

                      • Dec 2006
                      • 235

                      Re: Need a flash expert please

                      This is the code from one of the shows:

                      <object classid="clsid:d27cdb6e-ae6d-11cf-96b8-444553540000"
                      width="320" height="270" id="test" align="middle">
                      <param name="movie" value="Baby Demo Web.swf" />
                      <param name="quality" value="high" />
                      <param name="play" value="true" />
                      <param name="bgColor" value="#FFFFFF" />
                      <param name="wmode" value="transparent" />
                      <embed src="Baby Demo Web.swf"
                      width="320" height="270"
                      pluginspage="" />


                      • Sadain

                        • Mar 2006
                        • 438

                        Re: Need a flash expert please

                        I dont have time at this very moment, but I will look over the free download of the program and see exactly what's happening and get back with you...

                        Your Demo page isnt working properly yet...


                        • Sadain

                          • Mar 2006
                          • 438

                          Re: Need a flash expert please

                          Ok, from what I see so far, you may have turned on your Hot Link Protection and its blocking your images... Hot link protection is in your C-panel...

                          this might be one problem, turn off hot link protection


                          • Sadain

                            • Mar 2006
                            • 438

                            Re: Need a flash expert please

                            Ok I checked out their site seems the program you use, has an active x of its own that is not standered.... it is possible that you need to include this active x controller on your demo page.

                            here is an example


                            • Sadain

                              • Mar 2006
                              • 438

                              Re: Need a flash expert please

                              Yes, I'm believeing you must install the active x controller on your demo page.

