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Dotted lines moving

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  • Dotted lines moving

    I've made dotted lines in my forms for the visitor to write on, however when I try to write on these lines in the preview mode (browser) the dotted lines shift---please help!!


  • #2
    Re: Dotted lines moving

    You have not published any pages.
    Save your home page as " index " no extensions, no caps, no quotes, so we can take a look.


    • #3
      Re: Dotted lines moving

      Thanks for the support.
      Problem is, I can't find a thing. I need server IP number, username and password. Can you check it up ad let me know. Sorry for my stupidity!!



      • #4
        Re: Dotted lines moving

        Originally posted by DDG
        Thanks for the support.
        Problem is, I can't find a thing. I need server IP number, username and password. Can you check it up ad let me know. Sorry for my stupidity!!

        Hi, If you lost your email & login details from when you joined Vodahost. You will have to put in a support ticket. with as much detail as possible from when you joined.
        Regards Chris.

        Collectables, Collecting,

        House build project


        • #5
          Re: Dotted lines moving

          I've done as you suggested and published one of the two pages that have forms on.
          Could you please check on my problem and revert back to me?

          Thankyou so much for your help!!




          • #6
            Re: Dotted lines moving

            Hi, you maybe better off using Navals or David’s forms for this at the links below. But for your form, you try like below instead of -----------------.
            Name >>-
            Email >>-

            Regards Chris.

            Collectables, Collecting,


            House build project


            • #7
              Re: Dotted lines moving

              Thanks for the advice and the links.
              However, I cannot but wonder if there isn't something else on my site that could cause problems at a later stage. I mean to say, your forms are tried and tested, why should they work for everyone else but not for me?? There must be a reason, don't you think so? Could you please be so kind as to check the page that I published and let me know if you could find any other discrepancies?

              Your help is greatly appreciated.


              • #8
                Re: Dotted lines moving

                Dotted lines, as text, reforms to the text box they were created in first left-to-right, and then to the bottom margin of the text field/box. This explains why a line of text will appear as 1.5 line spacing (last line only) if an extra "space" is not added after the last typed character....

                You might find better results if you indent one space the beginning of your "dotted line" and preserve at least one "space" at the right end of same line.
                >> Be sure to use the ENTER button to create/begin your next line, and to add that space-indent......if you don't "advance the carraige" by using the ENTER buton, your line WITH spaces will reform according to the natural rules.
                *The same rules force themselves in all "buttons" and "boxes" (i.e.scroll boxes, etc.)

                Try that...and let me know...
                . VodaWebs....Luxury Group
                * Success Is Potential Realized *


                • #9
                  Re: Dotted lines moving

                  Hi, The form at should have separate fields for each item & the text your are using is for a brief description of what the field is for & is delet'able by the end user. A form should look something like this with separate entry fields (edit box) from the form menu in BV. You can use 1 singe box like you have, but place some text outside the box saying please enter your name & address in the box below.
                  But you would be much better off using separate fields (edit box) for each item & placing a BV text box next to each field to show what it is for.

                  Ah! Vasili is faster with the fingers. lol
                  Regards Chris.

                  Collectables, Collecting,


                  House build project


                  • #10
                    Re: Dotted lines moving

                    Thanks for your replies, you guys are uterly awesome!!!

                    Is it lol??
                    Your reply seems very logical and the correct way it should be done, however, your reply, Vasili, seems to be exactly what I will need because I will need about 6 fields from up tp 4 viewers. This will absorb the whole page with a lot of edit boxes.

                    Do I understand you correctly??
                    1) Press enter 2) Leave a space 3) insert the dotted line 4) leave a few spaces 5) Press enter again and move on to the next line,repeating the process???
                    If so, I've tried it and the problem just repeats itself!!

                    Sorry to put you guys through so much trouble!!
                    Know that I greatly appreciate your imput!!!



                    • #11
                      Re: Dotted lines moving

                      ADD TO PREVIOUS MESSAGE

                      Because of the above reason:
                      What it all boils down to, is that I need a type of message box that both the viewer and I can write in without causing interferance with each others text.
                      Certainly something like that should exist????


                      • #12
                        Re: Dotted lines moving

                        You can put your message in a text box that is just above the form field and then your visitor can fill out the form field. neither will interfere with the other. As with:

                        You can put anything you want in a test box and the viewer cannot change it.
                        Semper Fi
                        Still green...still mean......just not as lean

                        Red Hawk Archery
                        Zone 5 Photo
                        My USMC


                        • #13
                          Re: Dotted lines moving

                          Thanx for your reply.
                          Problem is I have 4 viewers and each have about 6 fields to fill in, can't immagine how many fields I'll have to create and how the page will look!
                          A examle can be seen at:
                          The only difference is this page has only got about 4 fields, where as the next page has a similar setup but 4 to 6 fields for 3 more viewers!!



                          • #14
                            Re: Dotted lines moving

                            Please forgive me but this is a wrong approach. Each information piece should have it's own field. One field f.e. for Name, one for Surname, and so on. This way every piece of info is separate, and can be stired.e. stored in a database, edited etc.

                            Creating a text area and filling in the info in place of the dots, will send you the info as a text paragraph. Not very useful.
                            Logger Lite: Low Cost, Customizable, multifeatured Login script
                            Instant Download Cart: a Powerfull, Customized, in site, DB driven, e-products Cart
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                            Advanced BlueVoda Form Processor : No coding form processor! Just install and use! Now with built in CAPTCHA!


                            • #15
                              Re: Dotted lines moving

                              Thanx for your reply, what I've pasted here is the info that I need, but this is only for 1 viewer.
                              In other words, I'll need the same info for 3 more viewers.
                              Hope you can help me with my problem!!


                              Full names:............................................ .......................
                              .................................................. ...................................

                              Address:.......................................... ............................
                              .................................................. ...................................
                              .................................................. ...................................

                              Identity/Passport Nr................................................ .....

                              Phone number: Country code:....................................
                              Area code:.........................................
                              Phone number:...................................

                              E-mail:............................................. .............................

                              I was introduced to the club by:
                              (state Lucky Number)........................................... .........................

                              Other means:............................................ ....................................

                              Member/s introduced by me:
                              (state Lucky Draw number/s)................................................ .......

                              Co-member/s introduced by me (as per co-membership entry form)
                              (state co-member nr.2, 3, 4)................................................ ..........

                              If paying in installments, how many?.........................................
                              Sequence of installments?..................................... ....................
                              Payment now............................................... .............................
                              Next payment........................................... .................................

                              General remarks:.......................................... .................................................. .................................................. .................
                              .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................................
                              .................................................. .................................................. .................................................. ....................................

