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My domain name is I have published my index page only. I need help with the page width its to wide would really appreciated thanks ahead of time!
My domain name is I have published my index page only. I need help with the page width its to wide would really appreciated thanks ahead of time!
The best solution for page widths we have found, although will change with the ages is, to set the width at '800, the length is not as important, (but keeping to 1000 or so is best) tick center in browser and this then seems to appease anyone viewing in resolutions low to high .....
Hope this helps ....
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia
I have set it at 800 but i have been told that its to wide?
Set the page at '800 and be sure to begin your building of that page as tight to the left that you can .... be sure there is no text, images, or anything past the '800 mark on your page .... maybe this is the problem, your page is very wide, I view at 1400 and I had a sidescroll ...
well I did, but I do not now .... so I think you fixed it .....
I'll check on my other computer to see ....
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia
Still some sideways scrolling .... so check what I said above about the text etc., being within those boundaries, this too includes the little blue handles that are on the sides when you insert text, (the text box handles)
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia
These problems usually happen because of minor typos somewhere
check that you have the pages spelled correctly, and check that you have no spaces, capital letters or symbols in the page name .... and then make sure you have the same in the url ... I notice the i is missing from mirror, but even putting it in I cannot find your page, and don't forget, you need to republish those pages too ....
see if that helps ... just recheck your work, it is so easy to err ...
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia
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Congratulations, Holly, on your promotion to General!
You finally made one of the most respected ranks within our Community, having been singularly supportive, encouraging, and helpful to all of your peers!
Very Well Done!
Hey, I didn't notice .... thank you Vasili ...
You're the best!!
VodaHost Your Website People!
1-302-283-3777 North America / International
02036089024 / United Kingdom
291916438 / Australia