Hi guys Medion here new to the programme. I have made two pages and would like to link one to another. I named them page one and page two for ease of use can someone tell me how i link them so that they can be opened in my browser ? Many thanks .
How do i link new pages
Re: How do i link new pages
The best way of linking pages is to have a menu - try adding a navigation bar. You can also link via text, pics or buttons!
To link by text, highlight the text and then press the hyperlink icon in the menu. Type in the full address of your new page e.g. http://www.mysite.com/page2.html
Don't forget the .html at the end. Then go to preview, click on the linked text and the next page will appear. Pages have to be published before they can be brought up.
Re: How do i link new pages
First mistake - page one should not be saved as page one, it should be saved as index. The main page on your site must always be saved this way or your site will not display on the web.
Note: You can name your pages anything you like within page properties, but the key, when hyperlinking, is how the file names are saved.
VH has lots of tutorials available, please take some time and view them before asking questions on the forum. You'll find them here: http://www.vodahost.com/tut1.htm