I seem to being missing something. When I hit submit nothing happens.
page is named /contact.html
I fixed the form to be
Action: contact.php
Method: Post
Removed text/plain so field empty
Created a contact.php in notebook and uploaded
Here's the code on the contact.php
<TITLE>Thank you</TITLE>
<H2>Than you!!</H2>
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS[email];
$mailto = "writer@christianwomensurvey.com";
$mailsubj = "Contact Form";
$mailhead = "From: $email\n";
reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
$mailbody = "Values submitted from web site form:\n";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS))
$mailbody .= "$key : $val\n";
mail($mailto, $mailsubj, $mailbody, $mailhead);
Where have I gone wrong? Thank you
page is named /contact.html
I fixed the form to be
Action: contact.php
Method: Post
Removed text/plain so field empty
Created a contact.php in notebook and uploaded
Here's the code on the contact.php
<TITLE>Thank you</TITLE>
<H2>Than you!!</H2>
$email = $HTTP_POST_VARS[email];
$mailto = "writer@christianwomensurvey.com";
$mailsubj = "Contact Form";
$mailhead = "From: $email\n";
reset ($HTTP_POST_VARS);
$mailbody = "Values submitted from web site form:\n";
while (list ($key, $val) = each ($HTTP_POST_VARS))
$mailbody .= "$key : $val\n";
mail($mailto, $mailsubj, $mailbody, $mailhead);
Where have I gone wrong? Thank you