G'day all,
My first visit to this site. My first attempt at building a web site. Please be gentle with me!
I only joined up to vodahost a couple of days ago and have made my first attempt at a web-page. I'm impatient to get it up and see my first attempt. My questions are:
To launch the site upon the world do I simply select publish enter my username and password and enter?
Having attempted this I get INTERNET EXCEPTION ERROR 12002
Does this mean I am just trying too soon after joining for my domain name to become internet accessible?
If so do I just keep trying or will I be contact when it is internet accessible?
Once I'm up can I just work on pages offline and just publish them and they will replace the existing pages?
So knew, so many questions.
www.redmanrunners.com eventually.
My first visit to this site. My first attempt at building a web site. Please be gentle with me!
I only joined up to vodahost a couple of days ago and have made my first attempt at a web-page. I'm impatient to get it up and see my first attempt. My questions are:
To launch the site upon the world do I simply select publish enter my username and password and enter?
Having attempted this I get INTERNET EXCEPTION ERROR 12002
Does this mean I am just trying too soon after joining for my domain name to become internet accessible?
If so do I just keep trying or will I be contact when it is internet accessible?
Once I'm up can I just work on pages offline and just publish them and they will replace the existing pages?
So knew, so many questions.
www.redmanrunners.com eventually.