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  • annerosinsmith
    Re: Iframes

    Aloha Robert - Thanks for your help. I think I am going to try something. I am gonna forget opening all pages in the one frame. When I find a site that is like that I will copy the HTML and study how they did that.

    Thanks again.....


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  • Robert
    Re: Iframes

    Im sorry but I just ran myself around in circles complicating the heck out of this.

    Since you will be opening ALL pages in the INDEX page's IFRAME....

    ...if you want to show another page ON the page you opened in the INDEX page's IFRAME, then THAT PAGE will also need an iframe, IFRAME2.

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  • annerosinsmith
    Re: Iframes

    Ohhh thank you so much Robert. I can hardly wait!!

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  • Robert
    Re: Iframes

    I know what you mean now. I think I can map the idea out for ya real quick.

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  • annerosinsmith
    Re: Iframes

    Robert - Thanik you for helping me. Yes, I want each page to open in the index page's frame. Each page, ie servicesIframe, galleryIframe, etc, is to open in the index's display instead of having its own traditional page. Does this make sense? I hope so.

    The owner of the site wants me to try and do this. Each page (take away the Iframe portion of the name) I want to display in the Index's iframe window.

    So the galleryiframe has images of customers after they had their hair done. servicesiframe has the services offered with price list, and so on. I guess what I want is thre nested iframes. Thank you so much Robert for your help.

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  • Robert
    Re: Iframes

    so basically, you want the HOME page's iframe to act like a "built-in display window", so to speak.?

    And you want each of those pages that open in that iframe, to have it's own "built-in display window".? --Again, figuratively speaking.

    This sounds like you are asking how to nest iframes within iframes within iframes...and so on, but I feel that this isn't the case.

    What kind of content will each page be showing in their iframes?
    What is the reason for making these PAGES? -these:

    indexiframe, staffiframe, servicesiframe, galleryiframe, productsiframe, contact us iframe, and linksiframe

    try not to use spaces when naming files

    you should make sure that every I-frame on your website has a different name.

    You will have to elaborate for me on how you want the site to function for me to help you better.

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  • annerosinsmith
    Re: Iframes

    Aloha Robert - Thank you for your post. OK I think I kinda understand but would you be so kind as giving me a step-by-step guide? My index page's name is http:www.friendskonasalon.com. I then have the following pages: indexiframe, staffiframe, servicesiframe, galleryiframe, productsiframe, contact us iframe, and linksiframe.

    OK I have the index (display page) that has the indexiframe in place and it displays as it should. So if you can guide me step-by-step from this point I would highly appreciate it. Again, thank you for answering my post. It is much appreciate it. I then have the nav buttons of home, Gallery, Products, Staff, Services, Contact Us, and Links.


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  • Robert
    Re: Iframes

    Originally posted by Vasili View Post
    Hi, Rob! Long time, no see!

    I will be getting in touch soon (a project right up your alley).
    "Hear that, slimes? I'm famous."~The Last Startfighter

    --LOL, I just watched that movie this morning. I love it. Anyways, I am definitely interested, and I am thankful for you having me in mind. To be honest, I haven't any time at all to take on work...even for myself, if that makes sense. I do now though, so feel free to contact me using the form here:

    For the category, select "Requests"

    Thanks Vasili,

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  • Vasili
    Re: Iframes

    Hi, Rob! Long time, no see!

    I will be getting in touch soon (a project right up your alley).

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  • Robert
    Re: Iframes

    well, to answer your question...

    the page that displays within the I-frame --any links on that page that, when clicked, opens a new page in that same I-frame would have to have their target set to "_self"


    simply set the target of the links to the name of the I-frame
    Example--Index page with 3 menu buttons and an Iframe("frame1")
    --the "target" set on each of the 3 buttons would be: frame1
    this would change the contents of that I-frame
    --Now, in frame1, there some links and a 2nd I-frame("frame2)
    those links' "target" would be set as: frame2

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  • Andy128
    Re: Iframes

    The I-Frame should have a name- such as "viewer" or "main_viewer" or what ever you wish. This is done in the I-Frame properties.

    Then your link needs the "target" to be set at the name of the I-Frame.

    For instance:
    <a href="http://www.mysite.com" target="viewer">Link to what ever page</a>

    If using the hyperlink box- simply print out viewer in the target box.


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  • annerosinsmith
    started a topic Iframes


    Aloha again! Boy at this speed I will be a General in no time lol. :). I have a site that I am doing for my neighbor and she wants a site where you never leave the home page. But have all the pages appear from an iframe. I can get the index Iframe just fine but how do you get a new i frame in the iframe window when you click the link for the various page? I probably havent explained it very well. But if you can help I would appreciate it. Thanks all.