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.php thank you pages

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  • .php thank you pages

    On .php Thank You Pages, after the PHP HTML code gets pasted at the begining of the body, in the "$mailbody =" line we need to replace "Values submitted from website form :\n". What exactly do we put in there? I am assuming since there are 12 input fields on my form that I put a "12" in there. What is the exact text that needs to be put in that line of code?

    Also, does it go in the "Begining Of Body Tab" or somewhere else?

    I tested the form after publishing the page but the Thank You page got
    a 404 Error and I didn't receive an e-mail.

  • #2
    Re: .php thank you pages

    The line "Values submitted from website form :\n" is just text above all of your submitted form fields.

    It shoudn't matter where on the page you put the html code. If you get an error

    And chances are your action isn't correct, or if using a header redirect when you submit the form and after it redirects it is giving you the 404 error then the location of that file is probably wrong.

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