I thought I was ready to finish my site and had added the paypal button and double clicked the icon to add my info into it when I get windows error message box saying that BV has caused an invalid page fault in module BV, then close that and get another, BV has caused a general protection fault in module BV. Well, great! So, I thought I might have a dll file missing from windows and downloaded it again just to make sure and still get the same messages. So now I am stuck and can't publish it until I get the payment button issue fixed. Is this a common problem with windows 98 or just my computer? If I published it as is, would someone from BV be able to add info from another computer? Need some ideas on how to get around this issue as I am dead for now. Thanks, Steve
Error message when double click Icon
Re: Error message when double click Icon
Is it the paypal buttons you are concerned with? You could always go into paypal and add these buttons yourself right through paypal .. this would help you get through this if that is your main problem right now ... you could also redownload blue voda ... www.bluevoda.com/bv.zip and see if this helped to correct the situation ...
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