I wanted to upload or publish PDF files in the web and create links for this PDF files from my website. How can i do this? Thanks
Publish PDF Files and Create Links for this from my Website
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Re: Publish PDF Files and Create Links for this from my Website
Thanks a lot for the assistance. It's working now. My website is www.sitangkaiseaweeds.com ... I am soliciting advice to enhance its look and features. If you have time, please do so. Thanks again.
Re: Publish PDF Files and Create Links for this from my Website
Hi, this is a really nice site & a great style for the product. Couple of things that may help! Would be nice to see a menu structure the same on all pages. (Fell a bit lost when leaving the home page).
Not sure if putting the same images on all pages is a good idea. Can make you fell that you come back to the same page.
Would personally only go for 1 moving object on a page, otherwise it can be a bit distracting. IE: maybe have a static image that is different on each page & just some changing text. Or the other way round.
Only extra ideas, as the site looks really good. Was messing with something that may of suited your site at this link. LINK (only testing at the mo)
Good luck.
Re: Publish PDF Files and Create Links for this from my Website
Neil! Oh my gosh! What a wonderful and informative site. Very impressive! You might want to post this in the "Review sites" section of the forum to get others opinions. I prefer to navigate the site from the top, but by you having the "back to homepage" at the bottom, makes me scroll through each page, which is a great idea! Thank you for sharing your site with us!Cindy Smentowski
Re: Publish PDF Files and Create Links for this from my Website
Cindy and Chris, Thanks for the compliments. I am really expecting mixed reactions regarding the absence of the navigation menu in other pages. My idea is to put the visitors in a situation wherein they have to scroll down and most likely read the contents of the page. Some like it, others do not. It's like a read or leave trick. he he... I just thought that the information about our company, our product and our source is the primary message of the site.
By the way, thanks Chris for noting that i have to put links to other pages in addition to "Back to Homepage" link. But still I insist to put it at the bottom of the page for the above reason.
Yes i will look into the suggestions regarding the graphics and submitting the site in the forum.
Thanks again.
Re: Publish PDF Files and Create Links for this from my Website
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