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Lost all my images following FTP transfers

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  • Lost all my images following FTP transfers

    Hello Voda Forums Host:

    I have had to repopulate a new download of BV Website Builder.

    I used FTP to find the files I needed and transferred from public-html to Blue Voda. Now all my pages have lost their images. (Some pages I couldn't find at all, even though they show up on my published website.)

    I must make changes in a hurry and really, really don't want to rebuild each page.

    What can I do to restore my BV pages?

    Appreciate any help I can get!

    Powerlife Solutions for Change

  • #2
    Re: Lost all my images following FTP transfers

    Hi Webmagic,

    Why dont U try casting a "Web Spell" he! he!......I was only joking.

    Use the Blue FTP to manage and publish your webpages from Blue Voda only and nothing else.

    The files in Blue Ftp, BV and C:\My Documents\Blue Voda are all interlinked.
    I found out this the hard way.

    Move any documents or image from Blue FTP or My Document\Blue Voda and the images in the BV place holder will go AWOL. You will have to repopulate.

    If you are not sure of the file name of the image used, just view the BV page with the missing images in your default browser and the images will
    show up. This is because I think, when you insert an image into BV, the BV website builder program writes the html scrip into the page properties automatically. In this manner you can recall what was used in that particular web page.


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    • #3
      Re: Lost all my images following FTP transfers

      Originally posted by WebMagic View Post
      Hello Voda Forums Host:

      I have had to repopulate a new download of BV Website Builder.

      I used FTP to find the files I needed and transferred from public-html to Blue Voda. Now all my pages have lost their images. (Some pages I couldn't find at all, even though they show up on my published website.)

      I must make changes in a hurry and really, really don't want to rebuild each page.

      What can I do to restore my BV pages?

      Appreciate any help I can get!

      Powerlife Solutions for Change

      Downloading a new version of the blue voda website builder will not cause you to lose the pages exisiting already on your computer.

      As you build pages in the blue voda website builder, those pages are stored on your computer in MyDocuments/Blue Voda ... they are .bvp files - do a search on your computer for .bvp files

      If you find the .bvp files and the images no longer appear, it means that you have moved the images from the path where you inserted them .. to see these images on your .bvp files, you will need to reinsert them again, and will need to do so if you make changes to your page and wish to republish those pages.

      You must use the publish page to publish your pages - not blue ftp ...

      If you do not have the .bvp files on your computer any longer, you can import these pages to your computer by using the import method ...

      Open up your webbuilder and Choose "Open a New Blank Page" then go to File and choose "New from Existing Html Page" then type in the full url of the page you are importing and tick "Remote" and the page will import for you ... there are some modifications that you will have to make here though ...

      It is best to go into control panel, "File Manager" and into the folder that contains your website (public_html for your main domain) to find all of the pages that you have built - this is where you will find them all ... sometimes they do not all show up in ftp

      For the pages you wish to make changes on, you will need to reinsert these images and elements and republish again - the others you can do when you have time ...


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      • #4
        Re: Lost all my images following FTP transfers

        Originally posted by LadyEye View Post
        Downloading a new version of the blue voda website builder will not cause you to lose the pages exisiting already on your computer.

        As you build pages in the blue voda website builder, those pages are stored on your computer in MyDocuments/Blue Voda ... they are .bvp files - do a search on your computer for .bvp files

        If you find the .bvp files and the images no longer appear, it means that you have moved the images from the path where you inserted them .. to see these images on your .bvp files, you will need to reinsert them again, and will need to do so if you make changes to your page and wish to republish those pages.

        You must use the publish page to publish your pages - not blue ftp ...

        If you do not have the .bvp files on your computer any longer, you can import these pages to your computer by using the import method ...

        Open up your webbuilder and Choose "Open a New Blank Page" then go to File and choose "New from Existing Html Page" then type in the full url of the page you are importing and tick "Remote" and the page will import for you ... there are some modifications that you will have to make here though ...

        It is best to go into control panel, "File Manager" and into the folder that contains your website (public_html for your main domain) to find all of the pages that you have built - this is where you will find them all ... sometimes they do not all show up in ftp

        For the pages you wish to make changes on, you will need to reinsert these images and elements and republish again - the others you can do when you have time ...
        Thank you, thank you, LadyEye! I really appreciate the detail you've given. I will go at it in the way you suggest - just the pages I need to make adjustments to first - then the others as necessary.

        Love your wit! A "web spell" sounds extremely useful right about now!

        Thanks again!
        PowerLife! Solutions for Change

