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My domain name is corroboreeparkstockhorses, and I am having trouble getting the buttons to link my pages together.
If possible could it be looked into I am greatful for any help
My domain name is corroboreeparkstockhorses, and I am having trouble getting the buttons to link my pages together.
If possible could it be looked into I am greatful for any help
This is one of the links that your buttons goes to:
Then you need to work out why the pages still aren't showing. This will likely be one of two reasons:
1) You haven't published these pages yet
2) you have not correctly named the bit after the / in your link
Should you ever buy another domain name for any reason you should also consider choosing a much easier one for people to remember. Your domain is far too long.
Don't aim for success if you want it; just do what you love and believe in, and it will come naturally.