Is it bad if I get my websit builder before creating an account on vodahost.Because i dont want to start allover to create a site. PLEASE HELP
Is it bad if I create a bluevoda website before getting my vodahost acount.
Re: Is it bad if I create a bluevoda website before getting my vodahost acount.
Nope go right ahead. I had my first site almost finished (I thought) before i got a vodahosting account.
Don't forget, though, that if you get stuck with some element, or when you ask for help on the forum, it is much easier for people to help you when you can publish a page to show what the problem is..and you have to have a vodahosting account to publish.
I would suggest to have a go first, get familiar with the site builder, and when you think you are ready for comments, get an account.
You won't lose anything you have created.
Good luck with your site.