I have created my index page with titles that are intended to be links to pages that contain more information on that specific subject. NOw the question is do I open a new page and give it the appropiate title? And will it be saved within the same document or a new one?
creating multiple pages within a site
Re: creating multiple pages within a site
I would just create a new page for each subject you have a title for, and make them links to those pages
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Re: creating multiple pages within a site
Hello Everybody,
I am new to VH and I already have a burning question.
When user's are on my site, I want them to be able to click on 1,2,3,4,5......next page, to be able to view more items. how do I do this?
Is there something Imissesd in the tutorial ?
Re: creating multiple pages within a site
Just create your pages and through an image, icon or text, create a link to that page. For example, you could have text (Page Two) and when the user clicks that text they will be linked (directed) to page two.
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