My first post!! General guidance needed!

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  • Jack the bookseller

    • Mar 2008
    • 38

    My first post!! General guidance needed!

    I have watched all of the blue voda video tutorials and found them very helpfull, but I am still rather confused as to how to get to the point I would like to be at. I am hoping to create a website to sell books. I would like to list each one of hundred of books with its own thumbnail with very basic information such as title, author, price, a brief sentence as to what the book is about, and an add to cart button. If the thumbnail is clicked I would like a page with more detailed information plus extra thumbnails to display - once again with add to cart button. If a book is sold I need it too show as sold out. Hopefully it could be done in a way that was as easy as possible to remove sold books and add new ones. The shopping cart would need to calculate shipping! What is the best general approach to do this with Blue Voda? Just giving me an idea of what I need to learn about would be a huge help!! Thanks in advance.
  • adele1972

    • Nov 2007
    • 285

    Re: My first post!! General guidance needed!

    hi jack
    for your shopping cart, you can have i look at paypal, thats free,or i use roman cart thats a really good shopping cart with all you would need.
    did you have a go with the light box in blue voda, thats good for photos, you can also use paint on your computer to make a photo and under type your info , save, then open it up as in a light box, this is really cool!
    for more info about your book, you could have a link thats says,,,,more info...that they click on that takes them to a new page with all the info about the book in it......dont forget to put a (back link) to the main page where all the books are!
    hope this helps
    Organic Baby
    Please review my site: Thank You :)


    • Jack the bookseller

      • Mar 2008
      • 38

      Re: My first post!! General guidance needed!

      Hi Adele,
      Thanks for pointing out the paypal and roman shopping carts - I will read up on them. The 'more info' link to a detail page suggestion is a big help - there are so many variables to understand it is hard to see the wood for the trees until they are pointed out. Im afraid I dont understand your comment 'you can also use paint on your computer to make a photo and under type your info , save, then open it up as in a light box', - I did watch the light box tutorial, do I need to watch it again, or read/watch something else to understand? Many thanks for your help.


      • adele1972

        • Nov 2007
        • 285

        Re: My first post!! General guidance needed!

        Originally posted by Jack the bookseller View Post
        Hi Adele,
        Thanks for pointing out the paypal and roman shopping carts - I will read up on them. The 'more info' link to a detail page suggestion is a big help - there are so many variables to understand it is hard to see the wood for the trees until they are pointed out. Im afraid I dont understand your comment 'you can also use paint on your computer to make a photo and under type your info , save, then open it up as in a light box', - I did watch the light box tutorial, do I need to watch it again, or read/watch something else to understand? Many thanks for your help.

        hi jack
        the light box and paint
        if you use the light box, you add a photo to it ( light box is on left hand side in blue voda its a icon ) and then when someone clicks on it, it will come up as a bigger photo, ie the light box makes bigger photos small, then big when clicked and your web page will load up faster.
        ok about the paint
        all i mean about panit (the paint program you have on you computer)
        is you can open a photo and under it you can type about it and then save. to open in light box. just mess about with it!

        i am not an expert!! just trying to help a little.
        anyhow if you go to my web site and click on say moses baskets you will see a box with a basket and then next to in it says more info click on that and you will see a zoom i con click on the photo of the basket, and it will show how the light box pop up works on a web site..
        hope this helps
        Organic Baby
        Please review my site: Thank You :)


        • Jack the bookseller

          • Mar 2008
          • 38

          Re: My first post!! General guidance needed!

          Hi again Nicole,

          Thanks for the info .


