how to add music

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  • Hawkeyenz

    • Dec 2007
    • 25

    how to add music

    Could someone please tell me right from step one how to add songs from a CD that I made to my home page...
    Many thanks
  • gabor

    • Feb 2008
    • 242

    Re: how to add music

    Hi Hawkeye,

    First, it would've been better to place this post in "Adding Elements...etc"
    But anyway.

    There are a few basic ways to do it. Some people prefer to embed little selfstanding "website music players", usually Flash Players. This involves quite a bit of messing with downloadings and configurations but the player will show on everybody's computer. You can load your whole LP into it.
    I can't help you very much with it this time.

    A much simpler way is to use BV's resident Window Media Player.


    1. Your music files must be in mp3. (If you need to convert, let me know)

    (2. Check the tutorials about "How To Add Elements...")

    3. Following the tutorial, bring a WMP onto your page. (any page)
    4. Size it to your taste.
    5. Double click on Player, select Properties
    6. Into the URL line, browse your tracks and click one to be imported to the player
    7. For now: right click on your Page (not on the player). Into "Page Properties" write: title: iloveyoubaby (If the title is indeed I Love You Baby -as it appears in the URL window of your player you still type into the page-name like above.
    8. Save as: iloveyoubaby
    9. Click on top of BV browser the "published view" icon to test.
    10. A bar on top will appear, if you want ActiveX activated. Click YES to everything.
    11. Your song should quickly load and then play.
    12. If windows appear prompting you to download or re-download the above song, answer "cancel" or "no". Do not re-download.

    If this works so far we'll continue. (Right now the song will play from your C:drive. Only you can view it. Next step is to publisjh it for the Web)


    • Hawkeyenz

      • Dec 2007
      • 25

      Re: how to add music

      thanks Gabor for your help...I will be downloading from a CD so will need to know how to convert into mp3..your help would be apprecaited,,,thanks


      • gabor

        • Feb 2008
        • 242

        Re: how to add music

        Monday OK?


        • canuckeh v2.0

          • Apr 2008
          • 4

          Re: how to add music

          if your running XP you can just rip the CD using Media Player into mp3 format, choose the quality (192Kpbs). as for using actual songs on your site remember that ALL music is copyrighted in some manner as movies, so be careful. don't get caught on the "free" download bug from your site, remember that all content on your site(s) makes you liable. so give credits to all artists or productions to stay safer.



          • gabor

            • Feb 2008
            • 242

            Re: how to add music

            If you have succesfully ripped your CD into mp3-s using the Media Player, you should have your basixc music page set uo by now. (Meaning that you should do the ripping now and figure out the setup I sent you above. Takes us ahead. If you start ripping the best mp3 format would be
            128 kBs / 44 kHz)
            In your new mp3 folder you should rename your tracks the way you want them apear. If they show the extension mp3 before naming make sure you add it again to the end of title each time. If the tracks are in a numerical order I suggest to remove the numbers from the top. So if the original track is titled 05. I Love You Baby.mp3, the new title will be I Love You Baby.mp3
            Are you comfortable working your c-panel? We'll need that.


            • Hawkeyenz

              • Dec 2007
              • 25

              Re: how to add music

              many thanks for all of your help...Im working through it now....


              • Hawkeyenz

                • Dec 2007
                • 25

                Re: how to add music

                hi Gabor...
                you can tell me about the c panel in regards to adding music if you dont mind thanks...Kevin


                • gabor

                  • Feb 2008
                  • 242

                  Re: how to add music

                  Hawkeye, NZ

                  Would be helpful if you share the info about your success so far. I’m primarily interested in the sizes of your music files, mp3s. Files larger than 3 – 5 mb. can be a problem – if they are on the same page. (Loading time).

                  Ideally, by now, you should have a page, or two, with your tracks playing on command.

                  • type your song titles (say 6 for now) under each other, starting at the center of page
                  • to the left of each title place its player. Resize the player vertically (squeeze down), that it will be as tall only as your text. Arrange the page. You will have six slim players with the songtitles corresponding.
                  Wherever you are now with your present music page, you should start in a safe mode (and make this as a standard practice). Make a clone of your present music page. (Top left toolbar, second orb.) Click orb. Pick your present (named whatever) page to be cloned. The same page now will appear as “whatevernamed_clone”. (Test if it works the same as the original.) Open page properties. Name this page as : music. Save it as: music.


                  For the public to view (listen to) music files they’ll have to be placed (uploaded to) the c-panel. On the c-panel they will reside in the directory public_html. That’s where they will play from.


                  send your basic music directory-folder (is it “Documents/My
                  Music”?) to your desktop.
                  • also send your log-in access page of your c-panel there. Create a “cluster”.
                  (I have all my BV-building directories and folders there in a group. Much easier to work with).

                  Open c-panel. Click “Legacy Folder Management". Click GO in Next window. It will open in “home” or “public_html” . (They might be the same). We need public_html.
                  You will have all your published files/pages there.
                  On the top, find “create a new folder”. Create one, name it “music”. (Make sure that you create folder names and links only in lower case).
                  Click “upload new files”. Several upload slots will appear. Browse one song into each one. Not more than six. (They should not have numbers in front.) Start upload.
                  If “upload is successful, you will see six of your songs listed within your new music folder.

                  Back to your site-builder. Open your newly-named page, now called “music”. You will now replace the info on each player, regarding where the track plays from.
                  Open each player, go to Properties, erase previous data and type in the new data for each song. This is how it should look:
         Love You Baby.mp3
                  Important!: This line has to be exactly identical to the letter. I.e.: if the title in your c-panel/music folder is “iloveyoubaby”, that’s how you have to type it in. All the dots, slash, etc have to be correct, as above.
                  (On your actual public music page you can type the titles any way – in text. As long as they are not hyperlinked – and in this setup they won’t be.)
                  Test your new music page with “imitation-web” orb (don’t forget yessing ActiveX).
                  All works?
                  Save page.
                  Publish page.
                  Now your visitors will enjoy your music (If it’s enjoyable…)
                  Check through your website.


                  • Hawkeyenz

                    • Dec 2007
                    • 25

                    Re: how to add music

                    I have done what you ask regarding downloading files to media....
                    nothing is happening..they have been converted in mp3.
                    several questions....
                    when i downlaod it also has c://documents/settings/mymusic/ etc that to be included in the media "file name"?..I do not see any place saying url..just filename....
                    I giuess the parameters are "autostart?
                    do I haveto put mp3 after the file name if it isnt there?
                    The size of the files range from 2.4mb to about 4.2 mb.....they were done at 128...
                    hope you can help....tks


                    • gabor

                      • Feb 2008
                      • 242

                      Re: how to add music

                      Haven't made much progress, mate..
                      But don't worry, we'll work it out.

                      First, the whole works are based on the configuration conditions, that you must have working:
                      1. Windows Madiw Player
                      2. ActiveX
                      3. Must work In Internet Explorer, NOT Fiirefox

                      If the above are not actively in your computer, you either have to download/install them - or we'll have to go a different route.

                      Assumig that you do have the above in functioning order, let's get back to square 1.

                      1. Are your tracks playing normally in WMP?

                      Assuming yes,

                      - open a new page
                      - bring in the WMP element from left toolbar
                      - into the file slot (indeed, no URL, it doesn't matter yet), just browse in
                      one track. (Go to the location of your tracks via browser, left click on
                      track, click open. The track is now in your player.)
                      - leave it in autostart - for now. (can change it any time)
                      - in your file-slot it should now read: C:/Documents/My music/ track name
                      (doesn't matter if it says mp3 or not. We're not there yet.
                      - click "preview" orb on top toolbar
                      - when your page changes ,the ActiveX prompt should appear on top of
                      your page. If it doesn't, stop and download / install ActiveX.
                      - if it does appear, click all YESes
                      - your song should start playing
                      - stop song, go back to "build" mode
                      - in page properties, name page: music
                      - go to File, upper left corner, "save pages as"... music
                      - back to File, click "publish"

                      If this works we'll take the next step.

                      (You can also try bringing a Quick player onto the page. Same procedure - even though it's a movie player, it will play song files, too. Just browse a track in there - no typing - and repeat all the steps.

                      Let me know how you fare.



                      • gabor

                        • Feb 2008
                        • 242

                        Re: how to add music


                        Just to be safe, download "SWITCH" File Converter. The best there is.

                        (, Top searchbar type: switch. Get the Switch 1.33 version for PC/Windows). Easy to install, easy to run.

                        This might be at the core of problems: the format of your files. Are they now wma? It probably won't play. If you can - besides Switch - convert them into real mp3.


                        • Hawkeyenz

                          • Dec 2007
                          • 25

                          Re: how to add music

                          Hi Gabor..
                          well I did what you said and everything worked as you said it would..many thanks for that..the last set of insdtructions were easy for me a computer ilerate to understand.....I now wait further instructions..many thanks


                          • gabor

                            • Feb 2008
                            • 242

                            Re: how to add music

                            Hi Kevin,
                            Please be a bit more generous with your words... (Especially, taking into account how much I devote to your case...)
                            I need you to answer my questions in more detail - like your configuration setup, ActiveX etc.
                            You saying that "everything works" doesn't take us ahead very much because I know that it's not quite so...
                            Tell me how does everything work? (Or if not quite so, what is it that doesn't).

                            So now:

                            When you say everytnig works, tell me in more detail. What extension are your files? Are they wma? Or are they mp3? (Just because I double-checked myself and one thing I overlooked that wma files DON'T PLAY!)

                            So give me a more detailed standing of yours, how your players are set up, what folder/directory they're playing (if they are indeed playing...), etc.
                            So, if you have your tracks in mp3, OK, if not, did you download "Switch"?
                            (Do it anyway. The best converter program, ever.)

                            So please, inform me to the extent that I'll know what next step to take.



                            • Hawkeyenz

                              • Dec 2007
                              • 25

                              Re: how to add music

                              First I would like to thank you for the time and energy you have put intoi helping me....
                              second I do not appreciate the disrepectful way you have have answered me and I will not be talked to like that..
                              1) "It would have been better to put this in adding elements..but anyway"
                              Hpw was I to know!!
                              2)"would be helpful if you shared info re your success so far"..
                              Things were going to plan and I did not think this had not asked me the size of files etc...
                              3)"pls be more generous with your words especially taking into account how much time I have devoted to your case"..I appreciate the time you have given but to be was your had not asked me re configuration etc and I am not a mind reader..Until you can show more respect,understanding and patience I prefer dealing with someone else..ty..

