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Completing web site

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  • Completing web site

    I am trying to complete my site but running into a number of problems.

    1. When I review my INDEX page the VH template stays in place but the background colour for my text reverts to white. How can I prevent this?

    2. When I review my index page I am asked to approve Active X. I have to go through the routine of clicking each time to approve it. How can I stop doing this or will it disappear once I am live?

    3. Although I have watched and re-watched the Tutorials I still cannot get the pages on the menu bar to operate and go to the the page selected. What Have I done wrong?

    4. How do I place a "back "and a "forward" tabs on to each page?

    5 Finally, I have paid my subscription to Sohohost but how do I transfer my domain name which I have paid for at ******* to VH?

    Thanks in advance for your help. I am getting to the "it's all too much trouble stage !!!

  • #2
    Re: Completing web site

    hi there,

    well, dont give up just yet! I think many of your problems are because your not published yet.

    I use bluevoda so im not sure if everything im suggesting will be the same but its worth a shot hey?

    firstly, you wont be able to view your menu bar links until your live. on preview, you cant test links. so check them and see if they work when its published.

    the activx thing will not (or should not!) come up when your live, mine did it on every preview but now doesnt do it.

    with your page colour, check to see that your page is saved correctly and if it is, just wait until your live. my guess is that it will be fine.

    rather than 'back' and 'forward' pages i think you will need to use buttons that link to certain pages. im pretty sure that you cant have buttons that go back and forward but peoples internet will have that option anyway. if you have like 3 pages then you will be able to do it by linking a button to say back but it will actually link to a certain page and same for forward...hope this makes sense!

    finally, i dont have a clue about domain name transfers but i thought that you would have the option when you pay??? hopefully someone else will be able to help you with this. if not, search in here for 'domain name transfers'.

    i hope this helps you abit. see if these problems resolve when you publish the site and worry about them if they dont then work....i think you'll have less worries than you think.

    good luck!

