www vs. mysite.com

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  • sharonpressinc

    • Mar 2008
    • 39

    www vs. mysite.com

    I love these forums!

    However, I haven't seen this question before. I'm working on a site for a customer and was having lots of trouble (all my fault) uploading it and getting rid of the old stuff I was trying to overwrite. Now (after some C-Panel work -- thanks for the forum) I have the correct look on www.klventuresllc.com but when I go to klventuresllc.com (without the www) I have the old mess that I created last week. How do I get rid of the incorrect one??

    I hate saying "uncle" but sometimes this stuff just baffles me.

  • cpubasics1

    • Aug 2006
    • 39

    Re: www vs. mysite.com

    I see no difference in the 2 you have.

    It might be because your cookies in your browser is not updating. I use to have that problem, but the real difference between the "www" and with out the 'www' is that one means world wide web for NO cookies storage on the users computer. You should always use www if you're planning to use any other sub-domains and you want them cookie-free.The other means its cookies are stored on the users computer. KEEP IN MIND: Internet Explorer is known for doing this, firefox does not do this.

    If you are on apache server, (which you are), you can take advantage of the .htaccess file in the root of your home directory. You can force "www" into your site address if you like, but personally i rather promote my domain name with out the extra "www" in the name.

    I think it's the setting of the server your site is on. But here at Voda host you will not have that problem.

    hope this was helpful.


    • Watdaflip
      Major General

      • Sep 2005
      • 2116

      Re: www vs. mysite.com

      Its most likely your browser is caching klventuresllc.com and www.klventuresllc.com as different sites. Go to klventuresllc.com and hit f5 a couple times and it should update.

      While having or not having www in your domain name will effect cookies, but its because your browser is finding a different in the domain names the cookie is for.

      www use to have significance, but at this point in time its in use by convention.

      Register/Login Script
      Do you use a Password Protected Directory? Need a way to allow users to make their own account, try my .htaccess Login Script


      • sharonpressinc

        • Mar 2008
        • 39

        Re: www vs. mysite.com

        Thank you both -- that explained it and now I'm only getting one site. Very helpful!!

