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page property and HTML.

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  • page property and HTML.

    1) can any one tell me how to sort out the html for all the pages of the site.

    2) today i publish my site but is a big disaster can any one tell me what is the problem.

    Thank you very much

  • #2
    Re: page property and HTML.

    What happens when you go to your site? When I try, it doesn't want to load and when I finally got to it it reads "Index of...". This is sometimes caused by saving and publishing your home page as Index instead of index.
    You have a lot of images on this page - how large are they? This might be why it is slow loading
    You've also left spaces in the page names - and used Capital letters at times. Open your pages in BV and Click File-Save as and rename the pages using all lower case letters. When you need to separate words, use the "_" between the words. Then save each page and republish.

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    • #3
      Re: page property and HTML.

      click the below and watch it twice.....


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