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New guy - Old question?

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  • New guy - Old question?

    Hi there! I'm thinking about switching over from my current host to VodaHost (thanks to a few friends of mine) and I have a few questions. Sorry if these have been posted before - I searched their keywords and didn't find the answer I needed.

    Alright, here I go! My current host is nice and spacious; allows me to upload and host different files off of my server - such as: my TeamSpeak scripts, my Website, my vBulletin Forum, contact form scripts (but I hear BlueVoda comes with one already), etc.

    If I switch over to VodaHost, will I be able to "upload" my TeamSpeak from my other server (to my computer and then) to this one? Will I be able to host my vBulletin from VodaHost? How big (you know what I mean) is a typical VodaHost server package? Will it be strong enough to host both website (with forum) and TeamSpeak concurrently? I know that BlueVoda does the whole website publishing for me, so I'm not worried about that :P

    Hope these questions haven't been posted before - that'd be a bad first post Lol >.< Thanks in advance for the help!

  • #2
    Re: New guy - Old question?

    Are you talking about the teamspeak server, or just the web interface to manage the server?
    If you are wanting to run the actual server, VH doesn't give you root access nor do they give SSH access, so there's no way to install the server. If its just the web interface that wouldn't be a problem.

    You can host vB, your forms etc.

    Here's the feature list for VH's only hosting package
    web hosting and domain names features list. Quality and affordable web hosting

    Hope that helps

    Register/Login Script
    Do you use a Password Protected Directory? Need a way to allow users to make their own account, try my .htaccess Login Script


    • #3
      Re: New guy - Old question?

      I believe I was running the actual 'server' on my own... server... hmm.

      Oh well, I guess I'll rent out another server just for TeamSpeak lol. Thx for the quick reply!

