I noticed that tonight my web page started loading really slowly compared to all other days that it as loaded. I have rebooted several times.
In addition, my bigger problem is that when I click on a link to one of the .pdf files that I have, that the page stops after trying to load. I have tried six or seven times, same thing. The file is large...arouind 1500 KB, but I have larger .pdf's that load fine. The PDF file is teachers.pdf if that helps.
The web site is www.statehighvision.org The link is in the middle top ...104 teacher signed a petiion.....
In addition, my bigger problem is that when I click on a link to one of the .pdf files that I have, that the page stops after trying to load. I have tried six or seven times, same thing. The file is large...arouind 1500 KB, but I have larger .pdf's that load fine. The PDF file is teachers.pdf if that helps.
The web site is www.statehighvision.org The link is in the middle top ...104 teacher signed a petiion.....