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Linking pages

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  • Linking pages

    Just stamp IDIOT across my forehead, because I just can't get this right. I finally got my web pages up and running yesterday, with much help from some of you on the board. I do appreciate all the help. Needless to say, they all open into their own windows. I know each page needs to be linked to each other so they open in the same window, but my mentality is not picking it up. I sure would appreciate some help on this. My web-site is As you can tell I am older than dirt, so please bear with me. Thanks to all, Jan

  • #2
    Re: Linking pages

    When you add the URL for the link in the "Insert Hyperlink" window there is a drop down menu for "Target". That line should be " _self " or left empty.
    Also the option for "Open link in popup window" should NOT be checked.
    Semper Fi
    Still green...still mean......just not as lean

    Red Hawk Archery
    Zone 5 Photo
    My USMC


    • #3
      Re: Linking pages

      Hey, Thank you a million. I had it going to _blank instead of _self. What a simple fix. Now it is working fine and I am so proud of it. It has been hard and very confusing but the next time it will be easier. Ha! What a great support group!!

