Hi it's evil twin here. I have followed the tutorials and I'm still doing something wrong. I have my main page up but when you click on the tabs it doesn't go to the page. I have saved as html's just as directed but something is wrong please help www.eviltwinmotorcycle.com thanks all
Naming pages
Re: Naming pages
You have not linked your pages corrcetly. for the services you have the back slash in the wrong place. It should be http://www.eviltwinmotorcycle.com/services.html
You also forgot the .com in some of the others so here are wha tall your links should look like
http://www.eviltwinmotorcycle.com/contactus.html (if this is not a form, if it is it should be .php)
You have to pay close attention to your URL's and spelling or it will not work.
Re: Naming pages
I went back in and corrected all the pages and now I'm getting and error report on all tabs except store page. Then while you are on store page and hit the home button it opens a whole new web page instead of just going back to the main page. Help getting frustrated.Lisa
Re: Naming pages
Lisa, just went back and looked at your site again. You have fixed some of the links on some of the pages, but not all on all the pages. Go back and do every link on every page, one at a time so you don't forget any of them. As for opening in a new window you can set the target to self or simply leave that area blank (do this on every page/every link also).