I am already signed up with Blue Voda for 3 years on web page above.
I want to build a new web page and also sign up with Blue Voda for 3 years with the New web page.
What happen when a person has more than one web site using the same email? On file I am using jschepcoff******.com (I want to use the same email with my new web page).
If I already have all my other pages including my index first page with the old site on Blue Voda how do I start a new 2nd site using Blue voda if I already have a site with my old site?
Do I need to install Blue Voda to another computer and make my new web pages from that computer or can I make a new folder and inside that folder create my first page as index and the others pages inside that New folder?
Thank you,
I am already signed up with Blue Voda for 3 years on web page above.
I want to build a new web page and also sign up with Blue Voda for 3 years with the New web page.
What happen when a person has more than one web site using the same email? On file I am using jschepcoff******.com (I want to use the same email with my new web page).
If I already have all my other pages including my index first page with the old site on Blue Voda how do I start a new 2nd site using Blue voda if I already have a site with my old site?
Do I need to install Blue Voda to another computer and make my new web pages from that computer or can I make a new folder and inside that folder create my first page as index and the others pages inside that New folder?
Thank you,
to make a new site you make an addon domain in your control panel.. then you publish to the new folder Public_html/newdomain/
Make a new email for the domain in control panel mail icon.. it can have its own mail too.
On your hard drive.. make a new folder for the NEW domain..and save your files there. you dont need to install it to a new computer...
You better make sure D.A.D. Cool dont see you posting in peoples profiles for assistance... he will bobble that genie head and make u the future.. please use the forum for this OK?