Thanks for veiwing this post, I hope someone can help.
This is probably a very simple issue to resolve but dummy me cant figure it out.
I have several glass buttons on my page and they all have different text. ie. click here, join now, watch this video ect ect... when i publish my site, the buttons all have the same test ie, click here, click here, click here. When I click on the buttons they all take me to the right place, but the text is duplicated on every button. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
If you want to see for yourself please go to....
This is probably a very simple issue to resolve but dummy me cant figure it out.
I have several glass buttons on my page and they all have different text. ie. click here, join now, watch this video ect ect... when i publish my site, the buttons all have the same test ie, click here, click here, click here. When I click on the buttons they all take me to the right place, but the text is duplicated on every button. Can anyone tell me how to fix this?
If you want to see for yourself please go to....