I am trying to create a pop-up window(log-in) to show on top of the home page. Sorry if I am not asking the right question. Anyhoo, thanks in advance.
How to add a pop-up window?
Re: How to add a pop-up window?
You guys beat me to it, me just sitting here working into the night....
As Chris said, you need to create the page separately, and link it, but remember to create it so it displays well in your "pop-up" (size of page according to how you set your pop-up to display).
To make it somewhat interesting, I have 3 different versions of scripts to use that you can choose from (you can change the "settings" shown in red):
#" onClick="window.open('http://www.yoursite.com/yourpage.html', '','scrollbars=1,width=300,height=200'); return false;"
FIXED PAGE POSITION (set where on the monitor you want it placed)
#"onClick="window.open('http://www.YourSiteName.com/pagename.html','','scrollbars=1,width=500,height=200,left=130,top=235'); return false;"
WO Scrollbar, as for Email:
#"onClick="window.open('http://www.YourSiteName.com/page_name.html','','scrollbars=0,width=500,height=500,left=200,top=300'); return true;"
Well? Did I still do good?
Re: How to add a pop-up window?
I am not breaking any cigar box yet.....cuz it's not working. Alright, I wanted the pop-up window(log in) to show on top of the home page(index). It suppose to pop up when you visit the site almost like an ads. Thanks a million :)Cheeseeeist!
Re: How to add a pop-up window?
Oh, you mean an auto-pop, right?? And the other version is an under-pop...(where is pops-up under the page, so you see it after "exiting" the page). The scripts above were to be inserted in the URL field of the Hyperlink box within BV to produce a "new browser" pop-up....
Well, we don't suggest, support, or provide means to do that here in VodaLand. It is a practice that is nefarious at best, and best not associated with the High Standards of Web Building "Best Practices" that VodaHost is known for.
However, if you Search www.DynamicDrive.com or www.HotScripts.com or www.scriptatry.net or even http://www.phppod.com you might still find a script that would allow you to do this .... might. The industry has spent millions developing technology to block them in the last few years, so I wonder if that is really the way you want to go after all????
Re: How to add a pop-up window?
Yeah, Chris .... I know. You didn't seem to pick up the point I was trying to make.
This "source" is a prime example of how these scripts (tactics) have been relegated to the "back room" in web design. And, this Mickey-Mouse House is not really 'free' either....
Beware, Cyber!
Re: How to add a pop-up window?
I have to say it is not a pop up {ads}. It is just a pop up to log in. :P You know like entering a door....lol I shouldn't say ads at all cuz it confuses peepers more......Anyhoo, I would give it a try to see if that works this time.....Thanks alot you are the greatest!Cheeseeeist!