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Make room for your login form(doesnt need to be really big) on your home page.
after they hit the submit or join button, get the form to open the next page that you want them to see....this page will then have further links into your website.
The point is that your home page will not contain any links, directions etc, but no go any further they will have to fill in the login form or register for the first time.
to recap..........2 links only.....register now and the link from your form.
Why make it so complicated? Why not just "design" a simple "Login Box" which is essentially just a link to a password protected directory where she can publish those pages that are reserved for authorized visitors? (the protected directory pops-up it's own login dialog: Example "Authorized Logon" BTW, this is the Main Portal to the site, which is "split" and has a protected area on one side as seen in the example. Point is, there are a couple of EASY ways to do this ....)
That way, she can have a "public access" site for visitors to wander around in and learn, and a protected side for the benefit of those who are allowed.....
If she wants to create a login/registration process in conjunction with that "Logon Box" she should use Watdaflip's Login Script (which is simple and easy to implement without having to go through the complicated ABVFP or AMember methods).
But...whatever you guys think is best. I am just throwing my tidbits onto the table..... LOLOL